Chapter 7

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Shouto ended up finishing his homework on a park bench. He had nothing better to do. He wasted time walking around and visiting a few close by stores. Not that he could actually buy anything. He eventually decided that he'd head towards Katsuki's house after checking the time in one of the stores he was in. He wasn't looking forward to explaining why he needed to borrow his phone and why he had a bag with his stuff in it.

When he arrived outside Katsuki's house, he had no way of making sure it was the right one. He just had to hope. He knocked on the door a few times before stepping back and waiting.

The door soon opened, Mitsuki standing at the door, a beaming smile appearing on her face when she saw Shouto.
“It's so good to see you again!” She told him, standing to the side to let him in. “I see you have a bag, did Katsuki invite you to stay the night?”

Shouto stepped inside and took off his shoes, shaking his head when Mitsuki asked if he was staying the night.
“No, I uh..” He wasn't sure if he should tell her, he didn't want her to pitty him.

“What is it hun?” She asked.
“Well I got kicked out last night. Then my hotel room got robbed this morning while I was out and apparently it was in something I signed that the hotel couldn't be held responsible for stolen or missing possessions. I should've read it properly but I didn't. Now I have no money or phone or anywhere to stay.”

It felt good to get it off his chest. He hadn't meant to complain like that but it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, despite his situation still being the same. It felt good to tell someone.

“Shit.” Katsuki said, walking up to them. He had overheard what Shouto had said. “He kicked you out? Because you're into dudes?” He asked. Part of him genuinely felt bad for his half and half classmate. To go from being rich and being able to get anything he wanted to having nothing and his day going so badly.

“Yeah, it was partly that.” Shouto replied, turning to look at Katsuki. This was kind of embarrassing. He had meant to just quietly ask for Katsuki's phone to tell Midoriya, not to tell Katsuki and his mother.

“Don't worry hun, you can stay with us. I'm sure Katsuki won't mind you staying in his room with him.” Mitsuki told Shouto with a reasurring smile before looking at Katsuki. “Right Katsuki?”

As far as she knew the two of them were dating. She thought that Katsuki wouldn't mind having Shouto stay over for a bit.

Shouto's 'boyfriend' looked between the two of them for a second before nodding.
“Yeah, sure.” He agreed. He didn't want his mother to realise they weren't actually dating.

“Alright.” Mitsuki said with a smile. “Katsuki, show Shouto where your room is while I finish making dinner.” She told them before hurrying off into the kitchen.

Katsuki's sighed in annoyance when she left, turning to look at Shouto.
“I knew your old man was an asshole but not to that extent.”

Shouto shrugged his shoulders slightly in response.
“Yeah. I'm sorry, I was just planning on asking for your phone to call Midoriya. If you want me to I can see if I can stay with him.” He didn't want to make Katsuki uncomfortable by staying in his room with him.

“It's fine. The hag will know something is up if you do that. This way.” The blonde began walking towards the stairs to show Shouto where his room was, the half and half male following.

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