Chapter 11

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Shouto and Yaoyorozu decided that they'd go shopping after they finished at the café. Shouto had to buy some more clothes for while he stayed with Katsuki, he didn't want to end up having to borrow his clothes or anything.

“Are you buying clothes for a specific occasion?” Yaoyorozu asked. Shouto answered without properly thinking through what he was staying.
“Well I don't want to have to borrow Bakugou's clothes while I'm staying with him.”

It took Yaoyorozu saying “I knew it!” for Shouto to realise what he had said.
“I knew there was something going on with you guys! Tell me everything.” She told him.

“No, it's not like that.” Shouto didn't particularly want to explain it to Yaoyorozu as he was supposed to keep it a secret, but he didn't want anyone to think that they were dating.

The half and half male ended up explaining it all to her, Bakugou asking him to be his fake boyfriend, the times they had seen each others parents, him getting kicked out and stolen from and now staying with the Bakugou family.

“Bakugou can't know that I told you though, he'll kill me.” Shouto trusted Yaoyorozu not to tell anyone.
“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. It sounds like a book I read though! Fake lovers to real lovers.”

Shouto shook his head a little as they walked into a store.
“We won't end up dating.” He assured her. How could he catch feelings for Bakugou of all people? That wouldn't happen.

After a while, Shouto got a text from Bakugou saying that his friends were gone so he could go back. Him and Yaoyorozu soon said their goodbye's and left to go home.

When he got back, he walked inside and headed up to Bakugou's room.
“I stole my old man's card again.” He said as he went to get something out of one of the bags.

“Why? Wasn't that one of the reasons you got kicked out, dumbass?” Katsuki asked with a scowl. He wanted Shouto out as soon as possible, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen.

“I went to get my old phone and he began yelling at me again, so I took it out of spite.” The dual male turned to look at Bakugou, holding out a plushie. It was an orange and yellow grumpy looking cat.
“This reminded me of you.” He told him.

Katsuki looked at the plushie for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.
“That's stupid, how the hell did that thing make you think of me?” He couldn't deny that it was a little sweet though.

“You're like a grumpy cat. Do you want it or not?” Shouto said in response. Bakugou was like a grumpy cat, he refused to show anyone any kind of love, although he definitely secretly did like people. For example his friends. It didn't take much to agitate him either.

Bakugou huffed a little although he did snatch the plushie from the other male, putting it down next to his pillow.
“Whatever.” He grumbled.

Shouto couldn't help but smile slightly.
“See, grumpy cat.” He pointed out. It was amusing to him, how much someone could resemble an animal. It wasn't just Bakugou, he could see it with some other people. Midoriya was like a bunny or a small mouse for example.

“Shut the hell up.” Despite not particularly acting pleased about it, a small part of him appreciated the gift, and while he felt a little insulted he still thought it was pretty cute.


I'm thinking of writing something else as well as this one but I'm not too sure what. So if anyone has any suggestions then I'd be glad to hear them!

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