Chapter 16

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Katsuki woke up to Shouto gently shaking him awake.
“Bakugou, we're late.” He told him fairly quietly. He didn't want to wake him up in a manner that would make him mad and yell. It was annoying when he yelled.

Due to Katsuki breaking his alarm the previous day, they had both slept in and they had 5 minutes until class started. It was inevitable that they'd both be late. They just had to try and not be too late.

Bakugou groaned a little and rubbed his eyes, looking up at Shouto.
“Well why the hell didn't you wake me up earlier?” He asked as he sat up, grabbing his phone to check the time.

“I only just woke up as well.” Shouto said as he got up. He headed towards the bathroom. Katsuki quickly stood up and pushed past him to get into the bathroom first, closing and locking the door behind him.

Shouto rolled his eyes a little and went to sit on the bed, picking up his phone. They were definitely going to be very late, by the time they both got ready and got to school they'd be 30 minutes late at the very least.

The heterochromic male waited until Katsuki finished his quick shower. He then walked into the bathroom to have one as well. He tried to be quick, knowing they'd get a detention but not wanting multiple for how late they were.

By the time he got out, Katsuki was downstairs. He had decided he'd make them both some toast to eat on the way while Shouto finished getting ready.

The dual male put his tie on as he walked down the stairs, heading to the kitchen and seeing Katsuki.
“I'm ready.” He told him, only getting a nod as a reply.

“Take some of the toast.” The blonde said as he took his own and went to get his shoes on. Shouto followed, doing the same thing before opening the door and walking out.

When the two finally got to school, they were almost an hour late. They both walked into class at the same time, getting stares from their classmates.
“You two, talk to me after class.” Aizawa told them as the two headed to their desks.

After class, the two of them stayed behind as the rest of their classmates went off to get their lunch.

“Why were you late?” Aizawa asked, getting straight to the point. He was a little surprised that two of his best students were late. Especially to this extent.

“Bakugou's alarm was broken so we didn't wake up on time.” The half and half male replied. He didn't see any point in lying about it, he was their teacher after all.

“Oi, you're not supposed to tell people you're staying with me.” Katsuki replied with a scowl. He didn't want people knowing that Shouto was staying with him, what if they thought they were dating or something?

“Our teacher won't gossip to the class about it. We both arrived at the same time, most of the class is probably questioning it.” Shouto told him fairly bluntly.

“You're staying together?” Aizawa interrupted the two.

“Yeah, why do you care?” The blonde replied harshly and very quickly. It was obvious to both Aizawa and Shouto that he wanted nobody to know. Bakugou wasn't making it hard to figure that out.

“I am responsible for the safety of my students. Is there any particular reason, anything going on at home?”

“Everything's fine.” Shouto replied after a slight hesitation. He didn't want Aizawa to worry or try to get his father to let him go home. He didn't want to go home and would much rather be staying with Katsuki.

“Alright. If there is anything you need to talk about, both me and the other teachers are here to help you.” Aizawa told him. He knew that Shouto's family had a lot of problems, and while he didn't want to push too far, he wanted to make sure that everything was going okay. He didn't want any of his students to be in any kind of danger or bad situations.

“Thank you.” The heterochromic male replied with a small nod of his head. He might bring it up some time in the future if things got worse. But for now, he was fine staying with Katsuki.

“This doesn't exuse you being late though. You both have a detention after school to catch up on the work you missed.” The two students had missed a fair bit of work in the time they weren't in class. Missing it all and not catching up could lower their grades, even if it was only slightly.

“Tch, whatever.” Katsuki grumbled. He didn't want some stupid detention because his stupid alarm clock didn't go off. The dual male nodded his head a little in response yet again.

“Alright.” He had never gotten a detention before, but it didn't seem too bad. He didn't have anything else to do after school and he'd probably just try to catch up on the lesson in his own time. He was just going to be doing it in school instead of at home.

“You can both go to lunch.” The teacher told them. He had work to mark and he was sure the two students needed to eat. If they woke up late they definitely would not have been able to have a good breakfast.

“Thank you.” Shouto said as he went to leave the classroom. He was sure his friends would question why the two of them were late and arrived at the same time. Katsuki followed after and was thinking about the same thing.


So I ended up changing the way I write dialogue a little like halfway through lmao

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