Chapter 9

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Katsuki woke up in the middle of the night, shivering. Why the hell was it suddenly so cold? He tried curling up into his blanket to try and keep himself warm without needing to get out of bed and get a hoodie, but it wasn't working. He was still just as cold as before after a few minutes.

The blonde sighed softly to himself, almost stepping on Shouto when he got out of bed, stumbling a little to avoid doing so. He forgot he was there. He payed little notice to him as he grabbed a hoodie out of his closet and put it on.

As he was walking back over to his bed, he saw that the half and half male seemed to have ice accumulating on the right side of his face and he was shivering slightly. So he was the reason he was so cold.

Katsuki nudged the other with his foot a few times until he woke up.

“What?” Todoroki asked, rolling over onto his back and rubbing his eyes.
“Control your damn quirk, I'm freezing.” Bakugou whispered angrily. He didn't want to wake his parents up by yelling.

“Right, sorry.” The heterochromic male replied with a small nod of his head. It only took a few seconds for the small pieces of ice on his face to dissappear and Katsuki had gotten back into bed.

The two of them woke up to Katsuki's alarm in the morning, Bakugou groaning in annoyance before throwing the alarm across the room. If Shouto wasn't awake before, he definitely was now.

Due to being so cold for a fairly large portion of the night, Katsuki didn't sleep the best. He was still tired and his stupid alarm had woken him up when he wanted to sleep more. He didn't want to go back to sleep now though, he had training to get on with.

“I'm going for a run.” Bakugou said after a few minutes of the two just laying in silence. He guessed Shouto was awake, if he wasn't that was his problem.

“Alright.” Shouto replied. He was looking up at the ceiling in silence. He was debating going back home, he didn't want to be intruding on Katsuki too much, but on the other hand he didn't want to admit he was wrong and go back home to live with his father.

The angry blonde got up and walked over to his closet, grabbing some clothes out. He glanced at Shouto before deciding he'd get his clothes on in the bathroom, walking through a door and closing it, locking it behind him.

Shouto glanced over to the door, assuming it was the bathroom. He sighed quietly before sitting up and properly taking in the room he was in. It was a nice room, it was spacious and the bed was a pretty good size. There were a few posters up on the walls and a fairly large closet. There was also a TV mounted on the wall and a window. There were a few other things but they weren't of interest to Shouto.

He stood up and headed over to the window to look out of it for a few seconds.
“The towel on the right is clean if you want to shower.” Bakugou told him as he walked out of the bathroom. “I'll be back in a bit, the old hag will probably make you breakfast.” He was just looking at the back of Todoroki's head as he spoke before leaving his room without saying anything else.

Shouto decided he'd have a quick shower. He took about 10 minutes before getting out and looking through his bag to see what he had left. He luckily had his hairbrush and enough clothes to put a decent looking outfit together. He got dressed and brushed his hair before going and sitting on Bakugou's bed. Maybe he'd go home to get some spare cash from his room and get his old phone. He'd be fine using that until he got a new one.

There was a knock on the door, Shouto looking over to it before he heard Mitsuki talk.
“I made you breakfast, come down when you're ready.” She said in a friendly sounding voice.
“Alright, thanks.” Shouto replied.


School has started again for me so I'll be updating this slower again probably. This year is also the year with a ton of exams so I'll probably go through a few periods of time where I won't be posting anything.

Anyways, thanks for reading this so far! I hope you all are enjoying it :)

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