Chapter 4

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After a few hours of the two boys sitting in Shouto's room on their phones and barely talking, Fuyumi had let them know that dinner was ready and the two of them headed downstairs to sit with everyone else.

When Enji saw Bakugou, he seemed displeased.
“I thought you were bringing over your girlfriend.” He stated, the atmosphere already tense. Shouto was starting to have regrets but his neutral expression remained the same.

“My boyfriend.” He corrected. There were a few seconds of very uncomfortable silence, no one sitting at the table saying a word. “Katsuki Bakugou.” He introduced.
“It's nice to meet you.” Enji said, although he wasn't thinking the same.

“Yeah, sure.” Katsuki replied, his disinterest and little care for the number one hero very obvious.

Shouto had previously told him that he didn't care how he acted towards his father. Neither him nor his brother acted particularly well towards him, the only one there who did was Fuyumi. She was the only one who was willing to try to forgive him. He wouldn't tell Bakugou to act like he admired him or liked him when he already knew he didn't.

Everyone soon began eating the food that Fuyumi had cooked and it was really good. Even Bakugou was a little impressed. Since their mother was sent to a mental hospital, Fuyumi was always the one who cooked for everyone and she had definitely improved over the years.

“Shouto, you should really be focusing on school.” Enji commented. Shouto had heard this plenty of times before whenever he was doing anything with anyone.

There was little talk throughout the entire meal and it was overall a really awkward time for everyone. Both Shouto and Katsuki were glad when it was over.

Shouto walked Katsuki to the door after he had grabbed his stuff.
“Sorry, I didn't expect it to be so awkward.” He apologied.
“I don't give a damn. It's not like I actually want to be involved with you or your family.” The blonde replied with a roll of his eyes. He didn't care if it was awkward or not, he got to leave and he no longer owed the IcyHot bastard anymore.

“If my parents keep asking about you, you're coming over. Got it? And I'm not coming over again, that was a fucking hell.” Katsuki turned to leave. “See you tomorrow IcyHot.” He added as he walked off.

Shouto didn't get a chance to disagree with anything Katsuki had said before he left, but he was also getting free meals out of it and his mother seemed to be nice. To him at least. So it wasn't too bad.


I don't particularly like how this chapter came out but I'm trying to work through my writers block :')
Hopefully the next one will be better (and longer)

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