Chapter - 1

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著者メモ : (____) Will be 13 Here.

' ' - Thought's
(____) POV

' Hm.. That should be enough fire woods‚ To keep us warm for a week ' I started putting the last fire wood on my basket, ' Time to get walking. '

' If only Otousan is still alive.. We would of collected fire wood together.. But it's on the past now! I have to forget about it.. '

I can see our house! Huh?.. Why is the door open..

" Okaasan?.. " No answer.. ' Weird.. She would alway's greet me home.. '

" Okaasan! " I said louder.. Still no answer.

I walk in our house‚ Looked to the kitchen.

' Huh? Okaasan is alway's in the kitchen. '

While walking, i saw.. Blood. I panicked.

Went to Otousan's Bedroom. Since he would alway's tell me..

When something bad happen.. Alway's go to my room and take the katana under my bed.

I got it! I unsheathed it.. ' woah.. So beautiful '

' No time to admire it (____) ! '

I followed to the trail of blood. And i saw..

My family's.. Body.. They all look so lifeless..
Some of they're limbs are missing.. I feel sick. And angry to who or what would do this.

Then i saw it.. Eating one of my family's arm..

I only have one thought on my mind.

' Kill it. Like the way they killed you're family. '

Suddenly.. Something.. More like someone, Whispered on my ear..

" Control you're emotion. You're being clouded by anger. "

They're right.. I am clouded by my own anger. I breathed in and out..

" If you want to kill it. Slice it's head from the neck. "

.. Very gruesome.. But it will be worth it..

I dash toward's it, Jump and Did what the whispered said..

That was..easy?..

It started yelling profanities to me.. But i couldn't careless. Then i heard clapping.

I turn around and saw.. A petite woman..
With a butterfly pin on the back of her head.

She was beautiful.. But her eyes give no life in it.. Her smile don't give out a friendly vibe.

" Hello. "

She suddenly spoke. Surprised me to be honest..

" Uh.. Hey..? "

' Great start (____). '

" You have a talent to be a Slayer "

Slayer?.. My father used to talk about it..
Is this what father talking about?..

" Uh.. I guess? "

" Would you like to be a slayer like me? "

I have no one to come home to.. So.. Why not?

" Sure. "


✤ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙮𝙚 • 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙆𝙉𝙔 •Where stories live. Discover now