Chapter - 12

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After spending enough time with the Snake pillar. You finally learned what he was teaching.

“ I believe , thats all! ”

I said while celebrating , all those sore muscles had paid off.


The snake pillar said , seemingly uninterested. But trust me, thats the opposite.

He still thinks how you handled the foul tongue of his. And heavy words he speaks.

“ Ahehe , i believe... I change mentor today! Ooooo im so exci—”

“ Wait what.”

“Is something wrong?”

Looking at him curiously , did cupid strike once again.

“i thought its still tomorrow?”

Looking at you suspiciously.

“Why are you looking at me like that, i'm not using that as a excuse to leave!”

Breaking eye-contact, embarrassed by what you blurted out.

“Not like that, idiot...”

“Then... What?”

Silence is the only answer.

“i'll help you prepare.”

He said, wanting to dodge the question.

Walking away, i immediately went to catch up with him.

Im sure he is walking, with his destination is my temporary room.

“what do you think my next mentor will be like?”

“you'll see.”

As we reached our destination, we decided to do my Stuff first. Then second my clothes.

“uhm, you don't need to help on this you know... You've done so much!”

It was a half lie, it'll just be awkward for him to see my under garments...

“i understand, I'll do just your shirts.”

Too stubborn... But it did sound alot better.


But seems like i underestimated a pillars sneakiness.

“—Then just forward, and you'll see their abode.”

“Thank you for the help!”

“ No problem. Good luck”

Parting ways with a wave, i followed the given direction. And see my self standing infront of my next mentors house.

‘just a few more, and i'll be able to explore.’

With no hesitation, i knocked.

“Took you long enough.”

“Huh!? Shinazugawa?!”

“Come in. I'll show you your room. We will start tomorrow, the moment the sun had risen up.”

Following him inside, the place look cozy and gives the home vibe.

‘Wow, i never expected for him to be able to decorate something into a humble abode.’

“ Your house is Fascinating! Shinazugawa.”


“So, the room?”

“Right. Follow me, and don't you dare touch a furniture!”

I nodded, follow after him.

“This will be your room, remember. Tomorrow, for now, take some rest.”

“Thank you!”

Walking out, with closing the door behind him.

I started to unpack my Items, and then clothes.

“huh... Awh man, i must've forgotten my favorite pair of Black and white undergarments!”

‘Bum. They're the only black and white.’

After sulking for a bit, i decided to take a rest.

‘i doubt that my experience will get easier.’

Turning to every position, trying to find whats much comfortable tonight.

When i found it, i was out like light.


Sanemi is a hard character to write.

✤ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙮𝙚 • 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙆𝙉𝙔 •Where stories live. Discover now