Chapter - 3

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Giyuu's POV

When we arive at the headquarter's, (_____) is already awake.

I let her down, gently.. Wait- if she's staying here.. Where will she sleep?..

" Kocho. If (____) is staying here. Where will she sleep?. "

' I wouldn't mind if she wanna stay at my estate.. '

" I've already decided, she will stay at My estate "

' Tch.. Ofcourse. '

(_____) POV

Wow.. It's so beautiful here.. I turned to look at tomioka-san and kocho-san.

' Huh? Why are they glaring.. '

" Sorry tomioka-san, But I found her first "

' What ? '

" Kocho-san? What are you talking
about? "

The two of them looked at me,

" (_____). Where do you wanna stay? "

' Oh.. They're fighting over where i should sleep? '

Well.. Kocho-san did agree on me being a slayer.. I don't know about tomioka-san tho..

" I'd stay over at kocho-san's.. I still wanna be a slayer. "

I saw kocho-san smirk at tomioka-san?

" (_____), I want us to be on first name basis .. So you could just call me
shinobou. "

I just nodded at her statement. I looked at tomioka-san.

" Giyuu. "

' I guess we're at first name basis now? Cool. '

" Now that's settle... I should probably announced to master about you.. Now being My tsuguko. "

' Master? Tsukugo? '

" I'll be going now. Goodbye (____). "

I waved goodbye at giyuu.

" Let's go now (____) "

As i followed her.. I enjoyed the scenery around me. Until i saw a big house? ¿

Shinobou knocked on the door, Then a pretty woman opened the door.

" Shinobou? Is there a problem? "

Her voice is so soothing..

" Good Morning amane-sama, I just want to have a talk with Oyakata-sama.. "

' Sama?.. That mean's they are a leader of something right? '

" About what? "

" I want to announced that i will have a new tsugoku. "

' Does she have more than one? '

" Hm.. Follow me then. "

We followed the pretty woman, Then we stopped infront a door.

" Wait here. "

She opened the door and went inside. We waited for a couple of minute's. Until shinobou's name is called.

She looked at me and said..

" Don't be nervous ok?.. My master is very nice. "

Then she gave me a comforting smile, I smiled back.

We went inside, Then i saw a man beside the pretty lady.

' Huh? '

" Good morning oyakata-sama.. I prayed for you're health. "

' Is he sick..? '

" Thank you Shinobou. Take a sit child. "

Shinobou took my hand and made me sit beside her.

" Why don't you introduce you're friend child? "

" Oyakata-sama.. Meet (____). I found her slaying a demon in her home. "

I just stayed silent.. I don't know what to say..

" Hmm.. I heared you want to be her mentor? "

" Yes oyakata-sama. "

" But what about kanao? It will be hard to mentor more than one person child. "

" I- "

Shinobou was cut off by oyakata-sama? ¿

" How about this. She will be Staying here, And every hashira who isn't busy can train her? "

Me and shinobou looked at oyakata-sama in surprised.

" But oyakata-sama.. It might disturb the other hashira's.. "

" Don't worry about it shinobou.. But, it's now settled that she will stay here. "

I'm confused like shinobou as. I'm still stranger for them..

" Follow me dear.. I'll show you around. "

I looked at ¿Amane-sama?. Why is she letting this happen?

But.. I should be grateful that i have a roof on top of my head right..?

I just nodded.. I looked at shinobou, she look pretty upset.

' I'm sorry shinobou.. '

I followed ¿Amane-sama? Outside..

" Just to let you know dear. My children are here too.. I want you to think of them as you're sibling. "

I looked at her shocked.

' But.. I can't just forget about my sibling.. Even if they're dead.. '

" And it will be lovely if you see me and my husband as you're parent's. "

I was speechless.. They don't even know me, They only know about my name..

" Let's continue now dear. "

I just followed her..

How odd. But, they seem nice..

著者メモ : Amane and Oyakata are ooc. Sorry about that..

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