Chapter - 14

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I feel bad for you guys


Sir shinazugawa... Does it really have to be this early?.   i asked, looking at the sun that still hasn't fully come out yet.

You got a problem with my schedule? He said looking at me dead in the eyes.

No! no! Ofcourse not.

You can call me sanemi. If you want.. He oddly looked away while saying that,

Cool! Well then, what am i supposed to do to get the day started? He looked at my excited face, amused because he knows that cute face will slowly—

Cute? She looks average!

Sanemi look like he slapped himself so much that red hue is appearing on his face... I thought while examining him, because he suddenly just stood there and went quiet. Maybe he's in a deep thought.

Oh, uh... Sorry about that. Let's see, i will attack you infinitly until you manage to deflect my attacks. Block is also ideal.
He said to me while getting two wooden swords. And throwing one of it towards me.

Oh! Are you gonna go easy on me for our first session? i said hopefully, considering he is ranked only to the second strongest on the hashiras...


Do i regret this? i thought while putting on a defensive stand


‘ I definitely do! ’ Thinking while jumping a fair distance between me and sanemi.

Looking at the sun that is half seen towards the horizon, Sanemi truly sticks to his words of attacking me continuesly. Until now he still have the energy like earlier

But then again, after getting bruised and hit for so long. I managed to focus and hear better incoming attacks from him.

I thought as i blocked his attack that is aimed on my stomach. 

“ You've gotten better than earlier. ” He said still attacking

‘ Can i trully end this? Attacking him back seems impossible, for hours I've only manage to dodge and block his attacks. ’

I thought while looking at him running up towards me.

‘ Wait what. ’

I looked at his running form, i seem to catch up to his speed and see him physically now. Unlike from before, where i feel like he is only teleporting left and right. I can also hear a faint change of wind behind me

‘ Meaning... ’

I turned around and made a brief eye contact until i managed to hit him on the side of his neck, like how slayers decapitate a demon.

Sanemi looked surprised with how fast you we're able to detect and turned around, while also swinging a wooden sword. All at once.

Only then he felt a impact on the side of his neck. He stopped his attacks

“ You actually managed to land a hit on me, in a short period of time aswell. ”

He said to be with a tone of someone who is proud and amazed.

“ Heh... Than— “ i couldn't even finish my words before fainting.

But i still heard a faint conversation.

“ Jeez... It wasn't that bad... “ after i heard that, i felt my body being picked up bridal style.

“ Huh, what are you doing here snakey? ”

“ Drop the nickname Shinazugawa, i just came here to check up on her... ”

“ You actually cared about someone else other than pinkie? ”

“ Hmp. ”

“ Well, you saw her already, now leave. ”

“ Whatever, i just wanna remind you about Rengoku. He's the next trainer of her's. ”

“ Alright. “


✤ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙮𝙚 • 𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙆𝙉𝙔 •Where stories live. Discover now