Chapter - 10

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“Damn, you can actually cook?” A voice said,

”Just watch and learn, noobie”

“Well someone stucked a Stick up your ass”


“Hello? You awake?” Who the hell decides to ruin. Right, right.


“Oh.ok if you wake up, come in the kitchen”

“Ok.” (name) answered,

“Omg yess, I thought I'll have to pull out my katana. ” Shinobu, obviously flexing.

“Girl, isn't that a taboo or smth’ ” A girly with three braids said.

“Oh shit your right, my bad. My bad. ” Putting her Katana back in place

“K, I'm awake now” walking in the story

“Oh, (name) come, I want you to meet my pretty girl-friend. Mitsuri, ”

“ Hi, nice to meet you. I'm (name)”

“Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the girl who shinobu can't seem to shut about”

“im gona’ poison your food. ” that's why you shouldn't mess with the girl who knows poison.

“Whatever, 😜😋🥰🥰🤞” Mitsuri girl doing some, weird expressions.

“can y'all just train me or some’?”

“Oh, I forgot about that. ”

“lol same.”

“holy shit, I can't take it anymore.” I said, slamming my body on the soil

“uwu” Still looking fresh, like we didn't just trained for 2 hours straight. ( is that possible)?

“ok, take a break.mitsuri, Come we need to talk to the others for (name)’s training. ” Shinobu walking away, like the bad bitch she is.

“Geez, can't she wait, this beauty needs a break too🙄”

“I wana’ how to do that too” And they left. Rudee.

© /.69raine

They type, Majesticly, books are recommend.


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