Chapter - 7

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( - ) POV = Means author POV. Credits on a Specific Author for the chapter design below this text.

------------------                          (-) POV

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(-) POV

As ( _____ ) was admiring the Tree. She didn't notice a certain... Hashira staring at her. Who is it? Oh. It's the one and only...

Tokito muichiro ( Mist breathing )

Youngest Hashira to exist in this Era. Let's see what's on his mind !

( Muichiro ) POV

Beautiful lady. Infront of a Westeria Tree, Who is she?

Walking towards her, She turned her Head to my direction. Pretty lady.

" Pretty Lady... "

Did I just said that? Maybe.

" I - Thank you? I can say your quite adorable as well. "

She finds me adorable? Does that mean she's feeling the same thing as I do?

" What's your name pretty lady? "

I asked. Will I forget her name? I don't want too.

" ( _____ ) , What's yours? "

( ______ ) , Her name fits. But... Me? What is my name... I forgot.

" I ... I forgot my name. "

Waiting for her response. She just pointed at my right chest. Huh? Oh.. Paper.

' ' My name is tokito muichiro. Call me tokito, I tend to forget many things. Don't worry tho, I'm capable of protecting my self. Have a nice day/night

~ Amane Ubuyashiki , Gaurdian of Tokito muichiro. ' '

Oh. My name is tokito Muichiro. Looking at ( ______ ) , She seen to be curious to what the note said.

" Tokito muichiro. "

What does she think about my name?

" Oh! Hello tokito - San, Plea- "

" Muichiro is Fine. ( _____ ) - San. "

I cutter her off.

" O - Oh. Well , Muichiro - San. Alright ! "

My name sounds more pleasant when she say it.

She didn't tell me her last name. I want to know everything about her.

" Oi, Tokito San. Aren't you supposed to be Training?. "

Tch, Whose interrupting My time with ( _____ ) - San. Turning at the voice.

He have Alot of Scars. Who is he.

Is muichiro Way too forgetful Here? I don't know.

~ 🌹

Google Search :


~ 🌹

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