Chapter - 4

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(____) POV

Arriving at my new room, It's just the room you see everyday.

" This will be you're room dear. Please do join us in breakfast. "

I nodded at her request. She smiled at me before leaving.

As i looked around my new room, I saw a kimono on the futon. Which is in the middle of the room.

I took the kimono and went to the bathroom.

' This is comfy.. '

I putted my dirty clothes in the basket, As i went out the bathroom, I saw a girl?..

' She looked like amane-san '

" Mother said i should escort you to the dining room. My name is Hinaki. "

' Her eyes kinda give me creeps?.. '

" Hello there Hinaki, My name is (____). "

' That was so awkward.. Great going (____) '

She nodded at me and started walking, I followed behind her.

As we're getting close, i can smell delicious food[s].

' Mhm.. That's making me hungry '

Then i saw amane-san and oyakata-sama? ¿.

With 4 more children..

' I just know i will mix there name up. '

I thought.

" (____), Come sit. "

Hinaki is already seated. I sat at the available spot. Which is infront of the black hair ¿ Girl ?.

" Children. Meet our new family member.
(____). I want you to make her feel like home. "

I just awkwardly smile,

' It's been a long time since i met people other than my family.. '

Then we started eating.

' Mhm.. So delicious.. I wonder who cooked it . '

As we're finish. ¿ Maid's ? Started picking up the plate's..

" (____). How is the food? "

I looked at oyakata-sama,

" It taste Good oyakata-sama.. "

He looked at me, like i said something wrong?

" Please call me Father. "

I looked at him like he was crazy. But ofcourse. I didn't make it obvious.

" Yes.. Father.. "

He smiled at me,

' That smile look like i just agreed on something bad '

" How about all of you get to know eachother in the garden? "

" Yes mother. "

' They said it in the same time!? '

I looked at amane-san, She looked at me. A pleading emotion in her eyes..

" Yes.. M-mother "

' Why did i stutter.?! '

She looked.. Very happy.

' hm.. '

As i followed They're children. A ¿ Girl ? With black hair looked at me..

" Hello, New Sister. My name is kiriya. I'm the middle child and the only son. "

' wait.. SON?! But-'

" You might have been mixed my gender by my appearance. "

I nodded at him. As we reached the garden, We all sat down.

" Hello sister. My name is Kanata. "

" I'm Nichika. "

" I'm kuina "

" You already know my name but, I'm Hinaki. "

I smiled at all of them,

' They already know my name. '

Then we started talking about us.

' This is not that bad.. I might like this. Wait.. This is not what i went here for. I'll just talked to Father about it later. '


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