Chapter - 8

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------------------                         Muichiro's POV

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Muichiro's POV

" Who are you anyway... It's rude to interrupt a conversation. "

Where are his eyebrows?...

" Are you serious? I just- whatever. Shinazugawa sanemi, Wind pillar. Remember that girlie. "


" Hello, shinazugawa. I'm- "

" Yeah whatever, I already know your Name. I'm not here for chitchats. "

Rude. The pretty lady just wanna introduced herself... (____) San.

" Well, I should get going now... Don't wanna be late for my first training. See you guys around. "

Awh... (____) is already leaving. It's all that shinazugawa's fault.

As (____) footsteps started getting Quieter. Until it was silent, I looked at scar man.

" It's your fault she went away... "

Mr scar man looked at me like I said something wrong.

" Hah?!, Excuse you?! You're the silent one! "

Whatever I just started to walk away. Leaving shinazugawa alone.

(_____) POV

Jeez, those two just pop out of nowhere... Anyway. Where is kanao?...

Hmm, this place is big! She could be everywhere...

" (_____). "


" AH! hah...? What??. Who!? Ohh, Aoi San. Don't just creep up behind me, please! "

" Haha, my apologies (_____). Anyway, I'm glad I found you. I'll lead you to our Training ground. "

Oooh, I've been waiting forever!

" Yes! Lead the way please. "

Mmm, This place is a beauty.

" (____), We've arrived. "

Woahhhh, This room is huge!!

" Ahh, kanao San? "

" ...(____), Hello again. I guess we're training together. "

" Mhm!! I'm glad am not alone! "

" Enough chitchats. Let's get training started. "

After one hour... I'm finally done.

" Ahh, My body hurts... "

" hm, you'll get used to it. Since you'll be doing it, for 1 week. After 1 week, You will be sent to a different hashira. unfortunately... "

Unfortunately? Is there training harder than this?!...

" Well, anyway. You two look tired, Get some rest. Food will be delivered to your rooms shortly. "

Mmm, that made me hungry...

" Well! Bye, kanao San! See you around! "

Ahh, now I can take off. If I remember correctly, Ahh yes!

" Mmm, I miss you so much bed... You two pillow "

I should probably clean myself.

Getting myself a towel and clean clothes, Into the washroom I go...

Putting my clean clothes and towel on the counter, I took off my clothes. And went in the water.

" Mm, not too cold nor too hot... "

As I started to clean my body. Someone knocked on the door.

" (_____)? I brought your food... "

" Ahh! Please put it on the bed, I'm still washing! Thanks, person! Please close the door behind you! "

Will they close the door... I hope they do, My siblings would leave it open just to annoy me.

Hearing the click, I was satisfied. I started to move faster, So the food will still be warm when I got out.

Drying myself first, Then my clean clothes on.

" The best feeling~ oooh, Smells good! "

While eating, I thought about tomorrow. Will it be harder? Eh, whatever. What matters is the food in front of me.

Nothing big happened. Maybe in the next chapter, You'll regret accepting shinobou's invitation.

Edited : I forgot to inform, Rui is changed into a Platonic category :). So others will not be uncomfortable. If any other complaint, just tell me. So I can change that. Your my first priority

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