Chapter - 15

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[Name] stirred in her sleep, the uncomfortable feel of sunlight touching her skin is enough to make her awake. She stood up slowly, the sound of chirping birds makes her feel alive.

Slightly stumbling outside the room she was sleeping in, [name] found herself in the kitchen. Only now did she feel the need to eat.

[Name] looked around and unfortunately, there's nothing to eat nor something to even make a meal.

“ What are you doing. ” A voice suddenly spoke. [Name] turned to look at where the voice came from.

“ I got a bit hungry ” [Name] replied, only now did [name] noticed the container sanemi is holding, shifting her eyes to look at it, which did not go unnoticed by the said holder.

“ Oyakata-sama has your meal delivered everyday. He said you are not to eat anything else not provided and approved by him. ” Sanemi then walked towards [name] after explaining, putting the meal on a nearby counter.

“ After that, I'll be expecting you
outside. ”

[Name] nodded, giving sanemi assurance. She didn't have the chance to ask why the food needs to be provided by kagaya. But deciding not to think much of it, [name] started to eat her meal.

As [name] eats, sanemi sits behind his estate, where his training ground is. Even sanemi is thinking about how weird it is for Oyakata-sama to have a strict rule for [name]’s diet.

“ And don't allow her to eat anything else other than His provided food? ” Sanemi scoffed, finding it a tad bit ridiculous. “ He isn't technically providing it anyway, it's made from the butterfly estate... ”

Sanemi then started hearing steps coming his way, making him stand up. ‘ I trust you, Oyakata-sama... But why make the girl depend on you... ’ Sanemi thought, turning his head towards the said girl walking near him. ‘ Everywhere [name] is... A crow is always watching her. ’ A frowned appeared on the wind's pillar face.

‘ And oddly... I fear that the crow is yours. Oyakata-sama. ’

‘ Why is he frowning... How is he frowning... ’ Sanemi got too lost into his thoughts, he didn't realize the girl he is thinking about is in front of him.

[Name] shrugged, thinking on forgetting how sanemi is frowning without the privilege of an eyebrow. She started to walk towards a wooden sword.

‘ I'll just stick this up his ass if he's still pondering. ’


“ oh that's not... ”


A few days passed of sanemi and [name] barely surviving to him, [name] thinks that sanemi should be banned from ever teaching or training someone. Because [name] thinks before she can even take her vengeance, sanemi will murder her instead of a demon.

[Name] is now packing for her next destination... To the flame pillar. [Name] heard from a crow that this training will be different. Since she'll also have the chance to be taught by a former pillar.

“ Two pillars? That seems a bit overkill, don't you think? ” [Name] asked the crow while she placed the last item she needed to leave.

“ Only if the retired pillar decided to. ” The crow responded before flying away. [Name] right behind the crow's track.


After following the crow for a few minutes, it finally stopped in a building. [Name] noticed someone seems to be waiting for her. Since he is sitting outside.

But it seems like the man noticed her before she even noticed him.

“ [Name], is it? I'm Rengoku kyojuro! The flame pillar and your mentor! ” Kyojuro proudly introduced. “ You can call me kyojuro... Since it'll be confusing if you call me by my family name. ”

[Name] nodded, telling her name as well. They both then started walking in the Rengoku estate. Kyojuro leads her to an empty room which is assigned for her. Inside is some essential for sleeping and a simple table and chair.

“ I'll let you settle in, then I'll come back, okay? Okay! ” Kyojuro laughed, patting [name]’s back before disappearing.

[Name] didn't unpack anymore, since she's losing articles of all types of clothing every time she does. ‘ If i continue being this silly, I'll lose all my stuff. ’ [name] sighed. Deciding to lay down until kyojuro comes back.


“ Not bad, [name]. But you are missing something. ” Kyojuro loudly spoke while their wooden sword clashed.

[Name] created a large distance between them. Kyojuro continued to speak, “ If you continue to distance yourself, the battle won't ever end. ”

[Name] nodded, now understanding what he meant. Doing it, she finally managed to end their session.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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