Chapter - 2

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(____) POV

" Good, Wouldn't want to waste that talent of you're's. "

I just awkwardly nodded.. Not really getting the meaning of it..

Then i remembered my family's Condition.. Making me sad.. They desearve a proper burial.

" I'm sorry for you're lost.. "

I looked at the pretty lady, Surprisingly. There are emotion on her eyes..

Shinobou's POV

Weird.. I felt sadness and pity for her, Normally i wouldn't.

" It's Alright.. It's not you're fault.. "

She gave me a smile.. It.. Made me felt.. Happiness? Huh? I gave her a smile too.. A True smile, A smile that actually had happiness to it.. It felt nice.

She started to burry her family member's, i should help her.

Time skip

(_____) POV

We finished burrying my family.. I gave them my prayer's too.

" Kocho. You left me in the snow.. "

I jumped in surprise. I turn around and saw a Guy.. I saw a guy.. He has black hair, Eyes that held no emotion too. He has a blank face.

" Ahh.. Gomen tomioka-san, i forgoted we're on the same mission. "

' Tomioka- san? Is that his name? '

" Who is she? "

He pointed toward's me.

" She's (____). She wanna be a Slayer, So we're taking her with us. "

I did a little wave towards him, He gave me a nod.

" How is she gonna catch up with us? "

" Well, i guess you have to carry her tomioka- san "

' HAH?! '

We looked at her like she is crazy. She just gave us a close eyed smile. Suddenly i was lifted up the ground.

Giyuu's POV

I lifted up (____) from the ground and held her in a bridal style..

I'm pretty sure, My face look like a tomato right now.

We started running, She.. Was holding onto me.. I held her securely. Her eyes is closed right now.

She look kinda cute..

I'm looking forward onto knowing her More.


著者メモ : The ubuyashiki family will be platonicly yandere for (____).

Reader is a girl. I'm sorry for the Males.

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