chapter 4

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ASGARD : MARCH 12, 2015

"you almost tripped, lady belle

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"you almost tripped, lady belle. there's been worse."

belle's pov!

i haven't stopped feeling sick after travelling through the bifrost.

it sucked us up throughout the universe, but i think it sucked my stomach stability up.

"hi heimdall, such an honor to meet you. but uh, you don't happen to have a bucket here somewhere? i need to uh get some out.", i said with a weak smile.

thor stared at me for a while before leading me to an area out of sight.

i threw up a bit and felt better.

"thank you.", i said wiping my mouth with the tissue, the tissue??

"where'd you get this tissue?"

"i carry a few with me in my pocket. they're useful midgardian creations.", he said shrugging, and i gaped for a while before nodding.

yeah, prince thor odinson would definitely bring tissues in his pockets just in case.

i can see that, literally-

there was thor's steed, which i later learned his name to be thunder (i mean i should've seen this coming-), just right outside the bifrost.

a fine thing he is, with his rich milk chocolate brown groomed coat, and white milk hooves, and handsome golden straw-colored mane.

ironically thunder reminded me of thor. huh that must've been intentional.

there was no other horses, and i had to sit behind thor the entire time. i internally wished over and over in my head that this ride to the palace will not take a long time.

but turns out, i ended up staring in awe at the enchanting and enrapturing golden monuments and buildings. i saw colors i would never have seen back home, and something like flying boats and enchanted toys kids played with. we whizzed past a lot of asgardians, some who were on the way to the market, others who had stopped to stare curiously at the foreign stranger, which was me.

a young boy was staring at me and i offered a small shy smile, to which he returned making me smile bigger.

if i thought the villages and towns i saw before were astounding, well the palace was awe-striking and mesmerizing.

the stairs are made out of solid gold.

i could see my own reflection and cringed a bit at how much i stood out, and how unpretty i seemed compared to the folk here before pushing those thoughts away, and followed thor up the steps.

"we must present ourselves to my father first.", he said and i felt my anxiety sky-rocket to a level i didn't even know existed.

"what?", i squeaked out something that sounded similar to a gasp and a yelp.

"you'll be fine. just curtsy, address him properly, state your name, and leave the rest to me.", thor said reassuringly.

"that sounds not at all reassuring.", i said having a bad feeling about it.

"that was terrifying!", i whisper-shouted once we were out, me striving to catch up to his speed.

"true, your curtsy needs help. OW-", he said, rubbing his hand, pouting slightly.

"it's not my fault the only references i've known my whole life are those cartoon princesses. i didn't think i'd meet the queen of england, let alone the ruler of the nine realms.", i muttered embarrassed.

"you almost tripped, lady belle. there's been worse.", he commented dryly.

"stop calling me a lady. i don't think i'm anywhere near one, thor, especially after that incident."

"well, belle, i'm trying to tell you it wasn't the worst. come on, we need to find my mother."

"i still don't even know why you brought me here.", i reminded him, turning to a left corner pacing steadily.

"i'd like my mother to confirm it first, in case i bear the wrong assumptions."

and with that i sighed, but nodded.

thor halted in front of a white door with gold flower engravings on the handles, and knocked softly.

"just a minute.", a voice i assume was frigga said, and a few seconds later the door opened revealing a warm-looking gentle woman with pretty brown locks and a beauty like none other. i also realised the way she stood and smiled, resembled loki's.

"ah hello thor, lovely to have you back so early.", she hummed lightly as thor went to kiss her knuckles politely.

"it's a pleasure as well to be home mother, but i came home with urgent matters.", he said and frigga cast a glance at me, making me smile slightly.

i began to curtsy, but she stopped me and said, "no need for that."

she walked towards me and without a warning embraced me in a hug.

the allmother was hugging me-

i hugged back, still shocked by the kindness she displayed, which in a nice way reminded me of my own mom.

"an honor to meet you, your majesty.", i said before she cupped my cheeks in her hands and seemed to smile excitedly.

"just frigga, and no need to be so formal! i'm not as boring as my husband."

"my stars, aren't you just beautiful? my visions didn't do you justice, my dear.", she said patting my cheek, making me blush.

truthfully i didn't understand what she meant by visions but didn't question it.

"thank you, you- frigga.", i said, making her smile.

"oh come! thor brought you at the perfect time. if you'd be so kind, thor, i would like to discuss some matters with belle for now.", she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"of course, mother. we can catch up later, yes?"

"yes, now go, fandral and volstagg have been waiting for you, in the sparring grounds."

thor nodded excitedly before dipping his head in goodbye to both me and frigga before getting out of sight.

she led me inside, and not far into the room, she turned me to her attention, before sighing slowly.

"there's someone else i wanted to talk to, since it will be easier to explain to both of you at the same time.", she said and stepped to the side. i turned my eyes away, just in time for the other person's gaze to raise up, the both of us staring at each other, the moment frozen in time.

i couldn't form any words to say to him, my mouth remaining shut.

and then, i noticed his left arm, the sleeve rolled up exposing their pale skin. it was glowing the same colors i've seen the past hour, a mysterious green and a pure gold. the mark was not a flower but a golden sword on his, glowing dangerously beautiful.

it seems he's also taken notice of the mark on my right one as well.   

author's note:

this is so late i'm sorry- i FORGOT TO POST, I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF TODAY.

and oh my gosh furry feelings is blowing up this past week? it's on 6.9k- i almost feel guilty that i left it on a bittersweet note.

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