chapter 23

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"you are looking quite adorable this morning

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"you are looking quite adorable this morning."

belle's pov!

"loki! you jerk!", i shouted furiously, as i ran into his room.

except, it came out as very angry meows.

"ah hello, my little darling.", he said from his writing desk, sitting nonchalantly, "you're looking quite adorable this morning."

i was not in the mood for his charms this morning.

"change me back.", i said, opting for a telepathic conversation instead. at least that prick had a sense of decency and left the link open for my sake.

"i'm sorry," he said with a smile, "i cannot do that."

"no, loki, i'm not going to be a havana brown cat for the rest of the day!"

"the spell will wear off by midnight, besides dark chocolate is a nice color for you. it matches your original hair color.", he said crouching a bit, "and i thought the golden eyes were fitting."

"but my hair is red now.", i complained and he grinned, "there are no cats with your shade of red."

"you have a strange obsession with cats, you know. out of everything you can turn me into, you choose to turn me into a cat.", i said ticked off.

"cats are smart. they're powerful too. ever heard of a flerken?"

"no, that sounds like a tentacle."

"ironically.", he snickered, and i scrunched my face up in disgust.

"have fun being a cat today, my friend."

i let out a loud cat yowl and started walking away. one more time he calls me his friend i'm going to break something.

"oh cmon, you're adorable!", he said cheerfully. i looked at him with squinted eyes before slipping out the door.

i wanted to stay in my room for the remainder of the day but i'm aware i probably should go out, since i have already stayed in my room the whole day yesterday.

but i'm so embarrassed too.

but then again, there is no way they'd find out i'm a cat right? yeah, probably not.

i went around the palace, slipping in the library for a quick snooze and walking down in between shadows in the hallway. i also met a few people along the way.

i saw frigga while in the garden and upon seeing me she raised her eyebrows, and gave me a small stroke, saying, "i would change you back but i do not have the ability to do so for loki was the one cast the spell, and i daresay you seem quite content with it."

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