chapter 25

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"and when will you use your matches?"

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"and when will you use your matches?"

belle's pov!

"is there any particular reason as to why you've impaled three- oh nevermind four dummies at this hour?", sif asked as she watched me train.

it was 4 a.m. and i woke up hugging loki as he read a book. i immediately let go and apologized profusely before telling him that i'm going back to my room.

i did go back to my room, not to sleep as he may have thought i meant, but instead to change into training pants and a simple white shirt.

i knocked on sif's door and she opened it, leaning on her door slightly as she looked me up and down. she said nothing but nodded, closing the door back before opening it again, dressed in her own training outfit. then, we made our way to the training grounds.

i wiped my sweat, looking up at her, "these dummies are my problems."

"want to talk about it?", she asked with a small chuckle, "or do you want to continue playing with your sword?"

"there is really nothing i can say.", i admitted quietly, "i'm tired of my problems."

"tell me about these problems, it might make you feel better.", she said while picking up a training sword, and proceeded to stand in front of me, challenging me to a duel, "i'm terrible at advice though, so don't expect much, belle."

"alright then, let's do this.", i said moving across from her, predicting all the possible moves she'd make, "problem one, i'm homesick."

"i miss cole, i miss aunt liza, i can't believe i miss tony stark.", i said with a laugh, as i deflected her sword with mine, "i miss everyone and everything on earth."

"you'll see them again. and heimdall has told you everything was alright, right?"

"yes. he said everything was fine, thankfully. i still miss them dearly."

"problem two," i said gritting my teeth as i worked on my footwork, "i miss who i was, it's not like i'm not me anymore but you know, i do magic and i can fight with a sword now. the only weapon i have ever held is a kitchen knife back then."

"you've improved.", she commented, "is that not good?"

"yes, well i think it is," i replied quickly, "but it's only been 3 months, no one can change that much in 3 months' time."

"it's an upgrade.", sif said, "nothing you should worry about."

"yeah i really shouldn't worry about that i guess."

"problem three, i miss my parents.", i said my voice wavering a bit, "they died around this time years ago, i don't know how i know, i just- i can feel it."

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