chapter 24

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"i'll be right here with you

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"i'll be right here with you."

third person pov!

"i hate you a lot.", belle said, still again telepathically, as she stepped around on his bed, messing up the blankets intentionally.

"yes, i can see that quite clearly.", loki replied from sitting on the armchair, tilting his head funnily, "you do know i can do this, right?"

he held his hand out, a green glow suddenly encasing the bed returning it to its original state. he flashed a mischievous smile at the brown cat sitting on his bed before dumping the pillows on top of her without warning.

"oh, if i hated you before, i hate you more now.", she groaned, peeking out of the pillow, "coward."

"did you just call me a coward?"

"what else did i say, kibbles?"

"that's cat food."

'yeah cuz you're a snack.', she almost said, scrunching her face up in horror. what was that-

"hey, remember the cat puns?", she decided to say, intentionally switching the topic.

"no, i rather not think of those days." , he replied, not looking up from his book.

belle smiled mischievously, a look loki himself knows all too well.

"now belle-"

"oh, that's furtastic then.", the cat said, flicking her tail in amusement, "i shall make you purrfectly sick of me."

'sick with what?', loki thought, 'sick with admiration, awe, and love? oh if that's the case, then most certainly.'

"norns, help me.", he muttered out loud, fueling her excitement.

"hey loki, has anyone ever told you how much of a cat-ch you are? you're pawsome.", she said snickering as he groaned.

"you're really flirting with me with puns?", he asked, secretly hoping she would continue.

"purr-haps, is it working?"

"no.", he said quickly, adding a small yes in his mind.

"gee, that hurt, meownie!", she said, laughing it off.

"one more time you make another pun, i will throw you out this-"

"aw, that wouldn't make you a good fur-rend, now would it?"

it was more funny to her because she knew loki could sever the connection whenever he wanted to, but he didn't. little did she know that loki enjoyed this the same way she was enjoying herself.

"you're pawsitively pretty and a drama cat."

"you're furry attractive and i know you meow it."

"i have a feeling you're ignoring me fur real.."

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