chapter 21

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"goodnight, my drunken prince

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"goodnight, my drunken prince."

(spoiler warning for the loki series ep 3! it wasn't that important, but still i feel like i should tell you early on that i may have incorporated a few things from that episode into this chapter.)

belle's pov!

"ANOTHER!", someone shouted followed by the breaking of glass, jolting me awake.

"what in the world-"

thor, fandral, and surprisingly also loki are drunk off their faces.

"oh look! belle woke up!", thor slurred happily.

"belle! look at my fireworks!", loki said, lifting one hand up in front of him, an illusion of fireworks followed by tiny noises of them exploding, bursting in all sorts of colors. the illusion itself was illuminating the side of his face quite nicely.

he was beautiful- i mean, the- the fireworks were beautiful! yes that.

"they're so cool, lokes.", i said with a thumbs up and he grinned.

"also, you're drunk, loki,", i added after a while and he scoffed, "i'm not drunk, but keep in mind that i'm very full."

"alright.", i said with a dry smile, as he continued to mock fandral's drunken state, throwing jabs at the man. even when drunk, this man is still attacking fandral.

instead of watching the two childish men, i turned to the other sober ones, "what time is it?"

"about 3 hours past midnight.", sif said, not a hint of drowsiness in her voice at all.

"right, you asgardians don't need sleep.", i said blinking back the blurriness in my own vision.

"it's good to have it though," volstagg said, "perhaps we should call it a night."

"alright, i shall take fandral back to his chambers, because he seems to need extra assistance to get there. volstagg and hogun, you two will make sure thor gets to his.", sif said moving to fandral's figure that was currently passed out on the floor.

volstagg and hogun walked beside thor, helping him stand a few times and shaking their heads as they cringed at thor's jokes and boisterous attitude. soon, they were out the door.

"i forgot loki was here too.", sif mused, glancing at loki who was still laughing in drunken glee.

oh he is so going to hate himself for drinking tomorrow morning.

"i'll take him back.", i said, adjusting the sleeves of my dress that have slipped in my sleep, "you go on ahead sif, drag fandral back to his room and you get yourself a good sleep, alright? i'll see you tomorrow hopefully."

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