chapter 13

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"i'm positive that this is what love at first sight is

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"i'm positive that this is what love at first sight is."

belle's pov!

"where do you want to go first?", i asked him as we walked through the crowd.

"i was planning to take you to the book stall."

it only hit me when we arrived there that there aren't any english versions of any kind of book in that book stall, and i was left to just try and understand what each title meant. so it ended up with me following loki around as he got excited over the books. i admit seeing the prince fawning over books is quite adorable actually.

i dare say he's quite a book nerd.

however, i'm a book nerd too, so i can't say much.

after about 20 minutes of looking around, loki finally turned to face me with a look of confusion. his arms were carrying a good amount of books and his hair fell onto his face messily, yet for some reason i found it quite endearing. aw, shoot.

"why haven't you picked out any of the books yet? did none of them interest you?"

"i'm sure they're exciting. i'll just have to go back here when i've successfully learned old norse.", i smiled at him as i took a few of his books off his pile to carry for him.

"oh- oh that slipped my mind.", he sheepishly replied.

"i apologize for not realising sooner," he added guiltily, "you have been following me for quite a long while."

"no, it's alright actually, i enjoyed looking around. besides, you are adorable when you are doing something you love, you know."

"you think i'm adorable?", he said with a slight smirk.

"not when you do that, no.", i answered firmly with a laugh as we weaved our way back to look through more books.

we spent hours in the market, mostly me looking around and loki showing me stuff.

"is there seriously not one thing you want to buy?", loki grumbled, "come on, i should be the one treating you."

"i think i already have jewelry to last me forever, and dresses and shoes back in my wardrobe are plentiful, can't do old norse books, and unless you want me to have a new pet dog then no. i already had cakes! why didn't those cakes count as something?"

"because, dear belle, you eat that, not keep it."

"i definitely enjoyed that better than gold, thank you very much."

"oh for my sake, belle just get some-"

"what stall is that?", i cut his ramblings off, distracted by what's behind him.

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