chapter 22

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"after all, i do love annoying my friend

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"after all, i do love annoying my friend."

belle's pov

"whatever reason you called me here, it better be good.", i said barging into the dimly-lit common room, as volstagg locked the door behind me.

"i don't understand why you all called me here so early, it's barely dawn for crying out loud! i barely had enough sleep due to a few of you deciding to get drunk at 3 am and now i can't even catch up on that sleep that i rightfully deserve.", i ranted, sitting down on a chair with a loud thud.

then it hit me that someone else was missing, "where's loki?"

despite his clear hangover, thor shook his head in warning, "no, this conversation is just for the six of us. no loki this time."

"alright.", i said still with a hint of skepticism in my voice.

"tomorrow is the 20th day of the sixth month, and every year on that day, loki will throw tricks and traps, all for the fun of it.", sif explained.

"so like april fools?", i asked before explaining, "it's a day where we pull pranks and jokes at each other. usually they're harmless, and the worst they can do is bruise your dignity a bit. it's a day of laughter and misery."

"well yes.", volstagg said, "though we cannot exactly trick loki back."

"you cannot outsmart that trickster. everytime we try to get back at him, he always knows.", fandral grumbled, "two years ago, thor and i wanted to dump a bucket of water on him while he was sleeping in his room, but our plan failed."

"when they threw the water at him, the water instead turned directions and drenched them to the bone instead.", hogun added making thor and fandral glare at him.

"you weren't supposed to elaborate on that part!", fandral mumbled, humiliated.

"i remember quite clearly that you both reeked of wet dogs.", sif said, earning more grumbles from thor and fandral, hogun smiling a little in amusement.

"that is why we're just warning you to be extra careful tomorrow.", volstagg said, leaning forward and bringing his volume down, "i have a feeling you are his target this year."

"i'm his friend," i said with a laugh, "he wouldn't do anything to me."

when i saw their dead serious faces, my confidence slowly wavered, "right?"

"i'm the scariest out of all of us," sif said with a quiet voice, "yet a few years ago, he cut my hair in my sleep."

there was a small silence as that fact settled between us.

but then i broke the silence with a grin, "you probably kneed him in the groin."

"yes i did, how did you know?", she asked me with a smirk.

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