chapter twenty.

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ONLY THIRTY HOURS remained until Dean was meant to finally pay the price of his deal that brought Sam back to life almost one year ago. Birdie, the boys, and Bobby had been working non-stop to try and find a way to locate Lilith, but there was still nothing on the demon or her current whereabouts. Kaiya did her best to lend a hand while she was still at Bobby's, but with only a little over a day left before something came to collect Dean's soul, Birdie managed to convince the woman to head back home so that she wouldn't somehow get caught in the mess that they would undoubtedly create in order to try and save Dean. She didn't want to leave, but Dean assured her she would be helping by being as far away from him as possible. She'd left with tears glistening in her eyes, only allowing Dean to tell her he'd see her later instead of goodbye.

Birdie turned her head when she heard footsteps, offering Sam and Dean a faint smile as they walked over from the table Dean had been seated at for the last few hours, a book left open in front of the chair he'd been sitting in. A square map of the United States was placed in the middle of a wooden table, taking up the entire surface. Bobby returned to the table a few moments later and placed a special tracking device over the map. It was unlike anything Birdie had ever seen before, having three wooden legs coming out from a shiny, black crystal ball at the top. A flat piece of metal was wrapped around the ball, intricate symbols carved into it with a bigger piece of metal wrapped further down the legs. A golden pendulum hung down from the ball to pinpoint the exact location, remaining still until it was moved.

"So you got a name? That's the whole kit and caboodle," Bobby said. "With the right name, the right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out."

"Like the town Lilith's in?" Sam presumed, hands leaning on the table and eyes pinned to Bobby.

"Kid, when I get done, we'll know the fuckin' street," Bobby said. Sam faintly smiled at that, glancing aside at Dean and Birdie with a glint of hope shimmering in his hazel eyes.

Then Bobby reached his hand up and moved the ball, beginning the ritual once it started to slowly spin. They all watched the pendulum slowly swing, landing on a specific spot once Bobby finished.

"New Harmony, Indiana." Birdie looked up, lips partially parted in surprise; it actually worked. "And we have a winner."

"Alright," Sam said, pushing the pendulum as he stood up straight and looked towards Bobby. "Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Hold on," Dean interjected, holding his hand out as he breathed out a forced laugh. "Just holster it up there, Tex."

"What's the problem?" Sam asked, confused by Dean's reluctance.

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