Chapter 1

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16th of August
I wake up,
I'm supposed to go pick up Eliza so we can go to the Mall.
It's 11:40,I should be there at 12:00,well I guess she'll wait but I still have to hurry.

I Brush my teeth,comb my hair and put an outfit on. Let's go!

It's currently 12:00 so I'll just be 5 minutes late.
I have a driver that drives me around cause I'm still 17.
Anyway,our houses are a 5-minute drive and that's good.
Bitch <3
I'm outside,come
Comin x
Ok x

I see her coming out. It's been a week since I've seen her. Long enough for us two,we often see each other every day but she was on Holidays. I get out and hug her.
"I fuckin hate you,just so you know!" I said jokingly
"Thank you y/n,I've missed you too!"
"You left me for a week and didn't take me with you. I almost died!" I love being dramatic!
"Wait what?" She got worried
"I almost died out of boredom."
"Girl stop,I thought you were for real!"
"Aww so you actually care about me?" I joked
"Don't act like you don't!"
"Never said I didn't!Come on let's get in the car!"
We got in the car and started talking about staff that have happened in the past week. She met a boy!They are in the talking stage and she showed me a photo of them at a nightclub and I've gotta admit I like them together!
"You know,you should get a boyfriend too!" Eliza said
"Yeah like it's that easy!"
"For you it is. Look at you,anyone would wanna be with you."
"I don't deserve you do I?"
"Nah you don't,but I have no other friends!"
She joked,we just started fooling around until we were at the mall.
"Thank you Garret!"
"What time will I come to pick you ladies up?"
I turned to Eliza
"At about 4?" She suggested
"Yeah that sounds good. Come at 4 o'clock.Thank you,bye Garret!"

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