Chapter 20

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January 15th, Friday.
It's been a while now since Y/n and the Bellingham family have left from Dubai.Their holidays were...Interesting, to say the least.Lots of Fun,Laughter and of course some Tears, but that's for a later time.
Fuck, I'm late for school.
It's 7:50 and it literally takes me 10 minutes to get ready and 5 to go to school. Meh, whatever, guess I'll be late.

I get at the entrance at 8:10, there was a bit of traffic today. And who do I find just arriving too?Jude

-Man how did we arrive at the same time
-I've been spying on you Y/n.
-Anyway what class have you got?
-I've got Chemistry, you?
-Shit I've got Lit. Guess I'll see you at break time.
-See ya!

I get in the classroom and take a sit at the only spot left.

Time is passing incredibly slow, guess I'll listen to some music.

The bell finally rings, this felt like ages.

Here comes Jude
-Jude when I tell you I checked the clock three times and it barely moved I'm not even kidding
-It's because I wasn't there.
-Haha very funny.
-No but actually, after break we have biology together, you'll notice that the time will pass much faster.
-I will check if what you're saying is true
-It is, because we always talk and time passes by pretty quick. Anyway, tonight Jadon invited me to go to this club and he asked me if you also wanted to come so?
-I mean, who will be there?
-A bunch of our friends from the squad and probably their girlfriends
-Jude, I'm not sure.I'm just not social at all and know no one apart from you.
-Knowing me is just enough honestly.
-Okay fine.
-Do you wanna meet before so we can go together?
-Okay but you'll come to my house because I'll take longer to get ready.
-True.I'll be there at 7:30 because they invited us at 8:00
-Yeah, okay.

I just finished doing my hair and makeup so now the only thing left is to find what I'll wear
I can hear the doorbell.
Oh That's Jude.
I go and open the door
-Jude!Hi, your outfit looks amazing.Who picked it your mum?
-Actually, I picked it if you want to know, but thank you for the backhanded compliment.You look beautiful yourself.
-Aww Thank you.
He leans in to give me a hug and I can smell his amazing perfume which then stays on me but I have no problem because I love it.
-What are you wearing Y/n?
- I have no idea, I haven't been to a club in a long time.
-I think the best choice is a simple dress.
-Yeah, I guess I'll wear that.

We go to my room and I find the dress I will be wearing
-Okay I'll go to the bathroom and change, you stay here.I want you to tell me your honest opinion on the dress please.
-Of course Y/n, anything for you

He knows damn well how to use his words.

I go and change into this black dress that goes just above the knee and honestly I'm not sure about it. What will Jude think?

I shout at Jude
-Jude,If you don't like it tell me.
-Okay, come out.
I get out of the Bathroom and my gaze meets with Jude's. He stares at me for a good 15 seconds before I say anything
-Jude?Okay if you don't like it just tel-
-Y/n you look gorgeous, I love it.

I wear dresses pretty often but this one was shorter and out of my comfort zone,however comfort zones are meant to be stepped out of.
-Thank you.What's the time?
-It's 7:50
-Okay I'll wear my shoes and we're ready to go.

We get into the car and I cannot help but stare at myself in the mirror every minute feeling like I don't look good.Of course Jude notices.
-For fucks Sake Y/n why do you stare at yourself every second?
-I don't know, I just don't feel like I look good.
-Are you serious?You look so fucking gorgeous, I don't think you understand how pretty you are.Every one of my teammates has told me you are so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you.
-For real?

These words got me in shock.I didn't think people actually thought of me as pretty
-Yes Y/n for real.
-And why are you lucky to have me, it's not like we're together.
-Well, we'll see about that
-Nothing!Look, we have arrived. Let's get going.

-Your love is all I need (Jude Bellingham)Where stories live. Discover now