Chapter 16

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December 21
I wake up to the noise of a door closing.
I immediately look at the door to see who it is.I'm pretty sure I saw long hair.
Oh it's Denise.
-Jude, Jude!
He woke up confused, again.
-What, this time?
-Your mum just walked in the room!We were sleeping together!
-Well why is this a problem?
-She might of thought something else was going on.
-Well, we will tell her later.
-Ok but let's wake up, it's already 11 pm.
-Five more minutes.
-No I'm going to my room. I'll come wake you up again when I'm ready

She wakes me up once again. I wake up and ask her what's going on.
"Your mum just walked in the room!We were sleeping together!"
I wonder what is wrong with that
"So?We will tell her later".Y/n doesn't know, but I'm pretty sure my mum enjoyed us two sleeping next to each other. She told me that Y/n is the girl for me. I'm not kind of sure if that's true since she is my best friend, but I see where my mum comes from. I mean, she is a great person, kind, altruistic,very beautiful and charismatic. But I'm not sure if it would work for us two.
"Okay but let's wake up. It's already 11 pm."
I'm too bored to so I just need some more minutes of sleep.She'll come wake me up again once she gets changed.

I just got ready and I'm entering Jude's bedroom.He is smiling like a fucking idiot while he's asleep. Must be a good dream.

-JUDE, I'm not coming again. Wake up now.

He went to brush his teeth and I'm seating on his bed. Why is he so slow?He is probably doing whatever he does to keep his teeth that white. I swear I have never seen a better smile in my life.
How is that guy so perfect though?
It's not like I like him...But he is a person who is very close to being perfect, keeping in mind that no one's perfect.

-I'm ready, just got to change quick.
-Okay I'm going downstairs.
-No, wait for me.
-Ugh okay.
-Can you pick me some clothes?
-So now I'm your stylist Jude?
-I guess so!

We went downstairs.
Why is everyone waiting for us on the table.

"Took you long enough you two!" Jobe says. I don't disagree to be honest.
"I did not know your brother likes to sleep that much!"
"Y/n, Jude, we have a little surprise for you both!" Denise says
"Oh god Mum, what is it?"
"Well it's an early Christmas present so it's down the tree.On the box is written "Jude and Y/n".Go find it!

We went and Jude found it.
"Y/n you open it, just because I'm a gentleman."
"Oh what a kind man!" I say in a sarcastic tone.

I unwrap it and there's a box. I open the box and there's another box. Cool, this is the last one, thought this would be going on forever. There's 5 pieces of paper and I take them out just to see they are plane tickets.To where tho?

-We thought a trip to such a tropical and luxury country like that would be all you need so here we are!

I get up and hug them all. How generous of them.

"Everything is paid and we will be living in the best hotel there, so pack your things cause we're going in 3 days!" Denise happily says.

Jude is so happy at this moment and just by seeing how happy he is it honestly makes me happy too.

"I think there's a small problem though." I say sounding a little worried.
"What is it Y/n?" Jude asks curious.
"Well I don't have summer clothes..."
"Oh god I thought it was something important!"
"What?Is it not?" I say, cause it sounds like a big problem to me!
"Honestly we will get you some clothes from the mall there. It is known to be pretty big!"
"Oh, sounds good!"

-Your love is all I need (Jude Bellingham)Where stories live. Discover now