Chapter 4

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20th of September


I'm late again,I have to be at Jude's house by 13:00.

Last night was cool.I found out me and Jude have a lot more in common than I thought. We are slowly becoming good friends.
Eliza,what a stupid person she is.
She left 1 hour after she came cause she found a guy at the club and she liked him.Poor guy from her holidays.She was not drunk so I let her go.
Anyway, we actually had fun!

I'm in front of his house.
I love it!
I knock on the door, and this sweet lady opens.Pretty sure it's his mum.
-Hi dear. Are you Jude's friend?
-Hi!Yes, I'm here for a school project!
-Okay that's great! What's your name?
-My name's Y/n. And yours might be?
-Oh,I'm Denise!Come in!
I get in and Denise tries to call Jude but he doesn't answer.
-He doesn't seem to answer. Just go upstairs and he's in the first room at your left!
-Thank you!

I go up the stairs and knock on the door. He does not answer. So do I just walk in?
I shout
-Oh Y/n?Coming!
He opens the door.
Of course he's playing FIFA.
I would love to smash him on FIFA,but I'm not just gonna say I play fifa.
He hugs me and then I go in.
-Oh sorry I was Just playing some FIFA.
-That's okay!Do you wanna start?
-Yes. I'll just go bring 2 glasses of water for the both of us!

He goes out of the room.
I examine the room and it's so cool.
A ps4, a tv and a rack of trophies.

-So let's start?
Jude comes in
I say

The Project is halfway done but we're both tired so we decided to continue next Sunday.

-Hey,y/n do you wanna play FIFA with me?I could teach you how to play.
-Oh,You think I don't know how to play?
-Wait,d'you play fifa?
-Of course.
-Okay so let's see who's better!

We played for a long enough time and he always won by a point.
It's 5:30 and Eliza is coming to my home at 5:45. Shit I have to go. Good thing we just finished and we're heading downstairs.

-Thank you so much Jude,I'll see you at school.Bye!
-Bye Y/n,see you tomorrow!

He hugged me and I left the house.

-Hey,Eliza is waiting in the house
the driver told me
-Shit,I lost track of time.
-Eh,she came 10 minutes ago and I let her in. She seemed nervous.
-Oh okay. That's weird.
I said kinda worried. She is never nervous about anything.

We arrived.
I got in the house and saw her.
"Oh hi Y/n."she said kinda sadly
"Hey,hey what's wrong?"
i said as I hugged her
"Well,I kinda have to tell you something."
She looks mad nervous. Wtf.
"Please go on, you're worrying me!"
"Well first of all, you are the person I love the most in the entire world."
"Oh come on! I'm just gonna say it. Next week I'm moving to England!"
"I'm moving to England y/n,I'm moving..."
She said as she started crying.
"Why, why are you moving Eliza?Is something wrong?You can live with me!"
"No,no,I just got a very good modeling opportunity and it's the only thing that could get me money in the future cause I'm not good at school and they need me next week."
It just hit me. Only one week until the most important person in my life leaves.

I started crying.
I hugged her for what felt like an hour.

-Your love is all I need (Jude Bellingham)Where stories live. Discover now