Chapter 13

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We're here.
5 Years apart from my home.
I've missed this.

While we're trying to get out of the plane the old lady stops us.
"Have a good life together kids. Be careful with each other."

"Bye,Have a nice Christmas!"
I said. She must be one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

I turn to Jude and stare at him in a "what was that for?" face, from before ,you know.
I waited for the lady to be out of sight so I could talk to Jude.

"You know what I want an answer about."
"Oh don't be like that, she was so happy for us and I just couldn't say we're best friends.Also, I know you liked it!"
"Shut up!"
"Okay, but I know you did!"
"I didn't!"

Once we were out of the airport, we got greeted by Jude's Father and Brother.

"Hi, you must be Y/n, we've heard a lot about you and can't wait to welcome you to our family. We're so excited you're spending the Holidays with us!"

"Hi, nice to meet you!Thank you for having me.Really, I'm so thankful!Your name is?"

"Oh, call me Mark!This is Jobe, Jude's younger brother.I'm sure you've heard a lot about him!"

I turn to Jobe and shake his hand.
"Hi!I'm Y/n"
"Finally, after Jude told us every detail about you, we get to meet you. He won't stop talking about you!"

I turn to Jude blushing and a little embarrassed but try to laugh it off.

"Okay now that you have met each other let's go to the car!" said Denise.

Mark was Driving and Denise was Besides him. I was at the left, Jude in the Middle and Jobe at the right.

We were talking about different things and thank god I can see they are not shy or not sociable people.

Until we got to Jude's home, we talked about many things and it was not awkward. I was afraid it would be but the Bellingham family is far too friendly not to talk and ask me a thousand things.But I actually felt welcomed, like they actually wanted me to be here.I wonder what Jude told them about me. I hope nothing embarrassing!

We get inside the house and Jude shows me the room I'll be living in.

"So that's your room. Mine is next to yours so come anytime you want."

"Did you tell anything embarrassing about me to your brother and father?"
"Maybe yes or not."
"Please tell me!"
"No, I can't even think of something embarrassing you've done."
"So I'm that perfect!", I joked
"Well, you've got to have an imperfection"
"Go on tell me what makes me unperfect."

He was trying to thing when he finally gave up.

"Fine I don't know!"
"Ha!You see?"
"Am I perfect?"
"So what makes me unperfect?"
"Oh about that I don't know. I actually don't" I say smiling.
"Ha!So I'm perfect too!"
"Maybe yes or not. You'll never know.Now go cause I want to shower"
"Okay, going.Come to my room when you're ready."

I showered and put on some sweatpants and a crop top. I knock on the door and Jude replies with a "Come in!" I open the door and there stands Jude. With nothing but a towel. I really truly try not to look at his abs but bro it's so difficult. He has a VERY nice body. I immediately get red.

"I am I just need to change."
"Okay whatever you say."
"Okay let me pick my clothes from the drawer and I'll go change in the bathroom."

He Grabs his clothes and goes to the Bathroom.


Okay I'm still red, I need to calm down.

He comes out of his bathroom.

"Okay I'm ready."
"Where are we going?"
"Let's go to a restaurant, it's not a formal place so don't change."
"Okay, are we going now?"
"Actually, I have to go somewhere and pick something and then let's go."
"Are you going alone?"
"Yes, you can't really come."
"Okay ,go so we can go eat later."

Where is he going?

-Your love is all I need (Jude Bellingham)Where stories live. Discover now