Chapter 22

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We get into the taxi and I'm still feeling a bit uncomfortable as the scene keeps re-playing in my head.
Jude notices and says nothing but just hugs me, how good this man knows me.
"I'm sorry this happened to you beautiful, when you'll want to talk about it, I'm here, whenever it is" "Thank you Jude" I slightly smile, I'm so lucky to have him.He is the most understanding and kind man I've ever met.

And at that moment, Y/n realized she had deep feelings for Jude


Once we get out of the car, we unlock the door and get inside my house. We head upstairs and reach my room.
"If you want to go home it's okay Jude, I don't mind" I say but in all honesty I wish he stays
"What's this nonsense?No way I'm letting you alone, I'm staying here, I'll just go next room." Jude says while just staring at me in admiration. Is there something on my face?
"Could you just stay here with me?"
"Of course, thought you'd never ask."
"I'll go to my bathroom and change. You can change here while I'm inside, I have some sweatpants and a shirt I borrowed from you a while ago." And I point at the drawer his clothes are in.

I get in the bathroom and change to my Pajamas, when I get out Jude has already changed.
We lie down on my bed, Jude on the right side, me on the left side, with some distance between us.

"Are you tired?" Jude asks me
"A bit, I'm just still disgusted though I'm not gonna lie.How can people be so heartless and act in such ways?I just don't get it"
"There will always be people like that in the world. He saw a girl that was pretty and wanted her to himself so he thought it was okay to act like that, fucking weirdo he is.Honestly, I can't imagine how uncomfortable you felt, I'm sorry, I'm here for you whatever you need to share with me. I know it's difficult, but try to forget it, everything will be fine."
"Thank you, for everything Jude, honestly I don't know what I would do without you." I hug him and we stay in a cuddling position.
He smiles at my words.
There is comfortable silence for a bit before Jude decides to speak,
"You're so beautiful, I'm so lucky to have you."
"Jude are you drunk?"
"No, why would I be?"
"Nothing.You know, you realize how handsome you are right? I've never told you that because I figured you already knew."
"Coming from you that means a lot."
He said with a smile and then we held eye contact for a good minute. The way he looked at me was so comforting.
"I just can't hold it in anymore, I like you Jude, and I've liked you from the day I've met you, I try to ignore the feelings I have for you but they grow larger everyday, and I don't want to ruin our friendship but I just wanted to share it with you, if you don't like me I understand, but I just wanted you to know that I like you."
Anyone could hear how nervous I was by the way I was talking.
Jude was silent and I was trying to read his expressions, on whether he was happy or not with my statement.
"Jude, I don't want this to ruin our friendship but I just couldn't hold it-"
At that moment Jude goes in for a kiss and of course I kiss him back. It is such a passionate kiss and I get the assurance that he likes me back. Our kiss lasts for what felt like a long time and we pull back.
"I like you so much Y/n, you don't understand" these words make me smile so hard because I've liked this man for so long and it feels so good to finally know that he likes me back.
We fall asleep and his arms are wrapped around my waist.
Well that went pretty well.

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