Chapter 8

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December 8th

Today is Tuesday.
For Fuck's Sake.
I've got 3 more days of school excluding today and then it's exams.

Sooo, after that day, we haven't really talked except for the one class that we are forced to seat together. Even then, we don't really talk. I actually don't know why we don't talk and as much as I try to pretend it doesn't affect me,it really does. I have currently no one to talk to.
Well,to be honest,now that I think about it again. I have a reason to be mad at Jude.
He didn't tell me about his new stupid "Girlfriend".And the worst thing is that she goes to our school. She is a year younger than us. Since the day that we had that argument,Jude and his Girlfriend Mariet always hang out together.I always end up sitting alone but someone always comes next to me trying to act cool so that they can be my friend. The thing is,I always give them a chance until they ask me to give them a ride in my "expensive cars" or to take them to my "big ass house". I get it,it's "exciting" but being rich is not my whole personality. I hardly ever talk about it.

10:30 a.m
We currently have Business Studies.
It's that one class in which I sit with Jude and it lasts 80 minutes.

-Everyone,pay attention. As you know,Business Studies are only examined at the end of Second Semester. So your next Business exams are a long time away from now. But we've only done 2 tests and I can't really give you a grade out of that.Our last lesson is on Friday. So you either choose to have a test on Thursday and I'll bring it back on Friday or you do a Project and bring it on Friday.I say let's vote.

I swear if more people raise their hands for a project...

-Raise your hand if you prefer to do a Test in 2 days.

I raise my hand and a many more students do.

-Okay so 9 people voted for a test.Raise your hand if you want to do a project.

Ok it's definitely a little more. Fuck

-1,2,4,6,8,10,11. Okay so The Project wins. It won't be a long one and it will be in pairs. But this time you don't choose. Neither do I.

He goes into a website called wheeldecide and writes all of our names.
Peoples names get called out but not mine yet. There are just six people left which means three more pairs.

Another pair gets picked out.

-So there are four people left. Jack,Serine,Jude and Y/n which means that the 2 left will be together.

He spins the wheel.
Serine.Nice. I hope I am with her. I prefer her over Jack and of course Jude.
So he spins again

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