Chapter 30: Trumpet Solo Audition

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{Author's POV}

"We'll begin the trumpet solo audition, once they're both done playing, we'll all decide together, base on applause." Gai explained to his students what to do about voting either Ayame or Naruto to win the solo.

Sasuke was sitting in the middle seat between Sakura and Hinata at the random theater seats.

"Sooo have you confess your love to Naruto?~" Sakura asked Sasuke as she starting smiling because she shipped Naruto and Sasuke.

"Yeah." Sasuke answered as he blushed.

"What's happening next?" Hinata asked.

"Naruto said he likes me back and now we're dating." Sasuke replied as he blushes which it makes Sakura and Hinata happy.

"My ship has finally sailed yes!" Sakura said as she started cheering along with Hinata.

"My favorite ship has finally became canon!" Hinata said as she quietly cheered.

"Got it, Ayame?" Gai asked.

"Yes." Ayame answered while Lee was looking at her like he wanted his favorite senpai to win.

"Naruto?" Gai said.

"Yes." Naruto answered while Sasuke was looking at his boyfriend like he wanted Naruto to win while Sakura and Hinata had their heads down.

"Okay, Ayame, please?" Gai ordered the third year to play the solo part of the trumpet.

"Okay." Ayame replied as she's taking a deep breath, placing her lips into the mouthpiece.

She started playing her trumpet solo in front of her classmates but her playing solo makes Sasuke cringed. He hated her sound and the way she played.

'Ugh she sucks.' Sasuke thought as he started glaring at the third year because he doesn't want her to win the solo, only his boyfriend can win the solo not Ayame.

'I'll never saw Sasuke being this annoyed before.' Sakura thought as she stared at her male best friend and she's shocked.

After Ayame playing the solo, she stopped then looked at her classmates and she smiled.

"Thank you." Ayame said.

Some of the students except Sasuke started clapping their hands to Ayame.

'Tch.' Sasuke thought as he rolled his eyes at Ayame and he just ignored her.

"Next, Naruto, please." Gai ordered the first year to play the solo part of the trumpet.

"Okay." Naruto replied as he's placing his lips into the mouthpiece and he's taking a deep breath.

He started playing the solo in nicer tone which he makes everyone react to Naruto like he's an amazing professional trumpet player because of his father.

'N-Naruto...? He's so talented!' Sasuke thought as he was shocked and very surprised at his boyfriend's trumpet solo and he smiled.

'He should get that solo instead of Ayame-Senpai!' Karin thought as she wanted her younger cousin to win.

'That's why I became friends with Naruto, he's fucking amazing!' Sakura thought as she smiled and started supporting her other best friend.

'Lil cousin deserve to take a solo for the competition just like my uncle.' Deidara thought as he looked at the younger blonde.

'How did a first year played better than Ayame-Senpai?!' Lee thought as he glared at Naruto like he's becoming jealous of a first year male.

Then Naruto stopped playing the solo part and he looked at his classmates and begin to speak.

"Thank you." Naruto said as everyone including Sasuke started clapping their hands really loud for the blonde first year.

"I'd like for us to choose the soloist now." Gai said as he's about to let his students to take a vote by clapping.

"Who thinks Ayame should play?" Gai asked.

Lee stood up and he started clapping his hands really loud which he makes Ayame smiled along with Suigetsu, Mei, Neji and Kimimaro.

"Okay." Gai said as Lee sit right back down to his seat.

"Now, who thinks Naruto should play?" Gai asked.

Sasuke stood up and he started clapping his hands super fast and loud while he's blushing as he wanted his boyfriend to win which he made Naruto smiled and Sakura started clapping her hands too along with Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Hinata, Gaara, Deidara and Karin.

"Okay." Gai said as Sasuke sit back down to his seat and he's expecting his boyfriend to win the solo.

"Ayame?" Gai called her name.

"Yes?" Ayame answered.

"Would you play the solo?" Might Guy asked the third year to play the solo and that question made Sasuke really upset.

Sasuke's reaction to Ayame being asked if she can play the solo, he was really upset and shocked about what just happened today.

However, Naruto looks disappointed and sad that he just wanted to make his boyfriend and father proud of him.

Ayame doesn't want to made her male underclassman upset so she decided to not to play the solo.

"I won't. I can't." Ayame replied as she just looked down in her guilt because she promised Lee to win the solo but she doesn't want to.

"Senpai?" Lee said as he was shocked about what he just heard about his senpai not wanted a solo.

"I think, Naruto should play the solo." Ayame said as she looked at Naruto and he was surprised after his Senpai did for him and Ayame just smiled at him.

'Thank you for giving my boyfriend the solo he's always wanted.' Sasuke thought as he looked at both of them on stage and he started smiling.

"Senpai..." Lee said as he's about to start crying and he remembered the flashback between him and Ayame.

................Flashback started.........................

{Still Author's POV}

Lee was having an private conservation with his senpai after practice.

"You're so good at trumpet, Senpai." Lee said as he's encouraging Ayame.

"I'm not good, I just like it." Ayame replied with her smile.

...................Flashback ended.......................

{Still Author's POV}

Lee started crying really loud because Ayame refused to take a trumpet solo and Tenten started cheering him up.

"Naruto?" Gai asked.

"Yes?" Naruto answered.

"You'll be playing the solo, not Ayame, you'll play, got it?" Gai asked him to play the solo and he accepted it thanks to Ayame.

"Yes!" Naruto replied with his smile.

Sasuke, Sakura and Hinata started smiling and cheering when Naruto won the trumpet solo audition so that means he'll play it at the competition.

~Time Skip~

{Sasuke's POV}

I'm so happy that my boyfriend got the trumpet solo thanks to Ayame-Senpai.

That means Naruto will be telling his dad that he just got his solo part and he told me in text messages that his dad was extremely happy and proud of him.

I can't wait to go to the band camp, that would be so much fun and I never been to camping before so I guess it's my first time to be there.

Time to bed since I just practiced with my euphonium in my pajamas because I'm too comfortable for an night, sweet dreams.

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