bed day all day

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*the next morning, just like most days, Elliot wakes up from a big seizure. and as if its just a mother instinct of hers, jessica is always awake when she senses that Elliot is having one. she goes through to his room and she can see that he is uncontrolably shaking. some times when Elliot's seizures are really bad he ends up drooling quite a bit so Jessica always tries to take him into the bathroom and sit him on her lap to let the bath catch most of the spit to save Elliot from making a mess of his bed*

Jessica: *hears Elliot whimpering a little so she just does her best to comfort him till his seizure passes and he stops shaking so violently* dont worry baby... mama's got you! *rubs her hand in a circular motion to sooth him*

*Elliot was finally calming down from one of his worst seizures that he gets, which lasted a little under 10 minutes. he's always so scared when he looses control of his body and his sight goes blurry so just as expected, Elliot burst into tears and was clinging to Jessica's top , trying to stay as close to her as possible*

Jessica: *held onto Elliot and rocked him back and forth to try and settle him down again* shh... its ok baby... its all over now... *kisses Elliot on his head as she continues to hug him and feel him loosen his grip as he is overcome with exhaustion from what he just went through* you ready to go back to bed now? *talks calmly as she continues to rock him gently*

Elliot: *nods his head and starts to close his eyes* wanna sleep with you and dada!

Jessica: ok baby! lets go cuddle with dada! *gets up to get a face cloth and put some warm water on it so she can clean the drool off of Elliot's face. then she carries him through to her room and lays him in the middle of the bed, between her and Tommy*

Tommy: *feels the bed dip and hears jessica quietly singing a lullaby to elliot so Tommy turns round and cuddles into him, giving him a kiss on the head then smiles at Jessica before they all close there eyes and go back to sleep*

*the rest of the day they just stayed in bed and enjoyed each others company, talking and laughing together. thats how they do things to let elliot fully recover from a seizure because they know it lowers his mood quite a bit. therefor they do whst they can to keep him distracted and happy*

Tommy: *looks dow at elliot as he stretches* hey buddy, how you feeling now? *looks down at Elliot as he look up at his dad*

elliot: i had shakes again, dada! *has no idea what a seizure is or why it happens so thats just how he describes them*

Tommy: it was quite scary for you, huh? *feels bad that his baby boy has to go such an extreme experience and have no control over his body.*

Elliot: yeah! i couldn't see! ...i felt like i was gonna fall. *frowns at the memory of his seizure*

Tommy: dont worry! me and mama would never let you fall. *smiles down at Elliot*

Elliot: *looks up at Tommy with puppy dog eyes* pinky p'omise? *holds his pinky up to Tommy*

Tommy: *reaches out to link his pinky with Elliot's* i pinky promise! *smiles as Elliot smiles back*

Elliot: *takes his hand away from Tommy then turns round to hold his pinky up to Jessica* pinky P'omise mama? *looks up at Jessica and waits for her response with hopful eyes*

Jessica: *smiles down at Elliot and reaches out to link pinky's with him just like he did with Tommy* i pinky promise baby! *smiles as Elliot smiles back*

*after a couple of movies it was lunchtime! Jessica went downstairs to make some food for the 3 of them and Tommy just stayed in bed to cuddle with Elliot because he wasnt wanting to do any big activities today*

Elliot: *starts to get uncomfortable because of the pain in his stomach* dada, my tummy hurts! *frowns at Tommy*

Tommy: oh no! i thing its time for a change... what do you think buddy? *looks down at Elliot and sees him nod his head as he holds onto his stomach* ... come on then! lets go change and see if we can beat mama back here before she is finished making lunch. *smiles as he get Elliot all excited for something competative. just how he likes it* 3...2...1... go! *is holding Elliot and starts to jog through to Elliots room. all the way through, nothing can be heard other than the little boy's laughter and that makes Tommy smile*

Elliot: you're so silly dada! *giggles as he is placed on his back on the really fluffy rug that is at the end of his bed, next to a big storage box that holds all his Toiletries in one place so Tommy and Jessica know where to find them*

*2 minutes later! Tommy and Elliot are back in bed just seconds before Jessica comes up carrying 3 bowls of super noodles*

Jessica: *heard the commotion happening upstairs so she knew that the boys were up to something. she just didnt know what so she was curious about it once she walked into her room and saw that elliot was giggling and Tommy was a little out of breath* whats going on in here? *smiles down at her two boys as they smiles back*

Elliot: dada was being silly when he changed me super fast so we could beat you here *laughs at the memory of his dad running across the hall with elliot bobbing all over the place as he held onto Tommy's T-shirt to stop himself from falling*

Jessica: was he now? *smiles at Elliot then playfully shakes her head and smiles at Tommy. she was grateful that he was keeping Elliot happy and not letting him think about this morning's incident* you go baby! *places a little tray like table thing infront of Elliot so he can sit against the headboard of the bed and eat his lunch. while tommy and Jessica sit on eather side of him eating their lunch as well*

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