taken by evil

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(MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHER: hey ya'll just a little heads up that this next part will be triggering to some, so if you are sensative or just too uncomfortable to read about stuff like kidnapping, sexual assult or any type of abuse. then feel free to skip the next 4 pages. you'll be good to continue with the rest of the more lighthearted stuff in this story after that)

*less than 5 minutes later! anna phoned Santana, in tears and freaking out to the point that santana couldnt understand what Anna was trying to say*

*on the phone with anna*

Santana: ok Anna, i need you to breathe! tell me whats going on! what happened to jasmine? *was trying not to get in her head about what could be wrong because she knows that she will just make things worse for herself*

Anna: *was still hyperventalating a little from how much she was crying* jasmine... taken... i cant- *sobs so much that she cant talk*

Santana: *she was fuming, she was scared and she was so confused as to who would do something this stupid to her sweet granddaughter* ok ok, dont worry! im coming over and we will figure this all out together. k, bye! *quickly hangs up and rushes out the door in her joggy bottoms, a hoodie and a messy bun. not even thinking about anything other than trying to figure out who would have taken jasmine without the girls knowing. santana gets to Grace and Anna's as soon as possible, trying not to do anything illegal that could get her caught*

Santana: *parks up and bolts into the house without bothering to knock. because they are all close enough that they just welcome themselves into each others houses* girls... *was frantically looking up the stairs to see if there was any movement then she stuck her head into the living room but still didnt see the girls. by the time she walked into the kitchen she saw Grace crouched down by anna, trying to understand what she's saying through her sobs*

Anna: *looks up to see san looking back at her with so much concern so anna just gets up and falls into santana's arms, crying into her chest* i'm so sorry Tana! i dont know how this happened! i dont know who would do this! i just dont know what to do! please dont hate me... *sobs and feels so guilty for not looking after jasmine enough to keep her out of trouble*

Santana: *was stood there holding Anna, totally being sypathetic towards her because she knows that none of this was her fault* i dont hate you anna! its ok, we will find her! this isnt your fault! we'll figure it out! *frowns over at Grace looking like a lost little puppy because she was still trying to piece things together* grace... *gets her attention* are you ok to get Elliot from school and keep an eye on him while i go and find jasmine and beat the shit out of the asshole that took her. *looks over at grace as she nodds her head* thanks! *smiles weakly* alright, i'll be back as soon as i can. *pulls away from Anna and smiles weakly at her wipping the tears from her eyes*

Anna: please be safe Tana! i cant loose you guys too! *was trying to keep it together but her knees were just getting so weak and she was so in her head about everything*

Santana: you are not loosing us anna, i promise! *gives anna one last hug them rushes back into her car so she can go to Jasmine's nursery to find out what the asshole looks like, that took jasmine. she was stood at the corner of the room in jasmines classroom where she saw the teacher reading a book to the class and settling some of the kids down for an afternoon nap* Excuse me Mrs T, could i have a word please! *looks at the other woman with pleading eyes*

Mrs T: of course! *puts the story book on her desk and told the kids to get comfortable and just to rest their eyes if they cant fall asleep. then she walked over to santana and they walked into a little quiet room, off to the side of the class room* what a lovely surprise Mrs lopeirce, what can i do for you? *smiles politely at san since she hasnt seen her since the last time Santana dropped Jasmine off last week*

Santana: nice to see you too! *smiles politely then gets straight to the point* i came here to ask if you could tell me about the person that came and got jasmine today? do you remember what they looked like?

Mrs T: *thinks back to jasmine getting picked up after the children had their lunch* well he was quite tall, like a foot taller than you and i. he wore a regular short sleaved t-shirt and jeans, quite a thick guy. i think he said he was a family friend or something. why'd you ask? *is so oblivious to the danger of the situation. she just thought that santana probably forgot who was getting jasmine from nursery today*

Santana: *knew who it was the second Mrs T started to describe him as a bigger guy. and her blood is boiling because she thought that she had got rid of the guy years ago* I'm sorry but ive gotta go, thank you so much for telling me! *didn't give the woman a chance to say her goodbyes before santana ran out the door and back to her car to send a quick text to anna and grace telling them who has jasmine*

*with santana's mood all over the place, she was driving like a mad person. but soon enough she arrived at the police station to report that jasmine was taken and she needs back up to help find where she was taken to*

*after a very painfully slow 10 minutes, santana found out that dave karofsky was infact the captor and it wasnt his first time doing this. so 2 police cars are currently leading Santana to the last place they caught and arrested dave. sadly they didnt realise that he managed to break out till san came to them about her granddaughter so they were very apologetic and was trying there best to reasure her that they would find jasmine*

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