little kids and big kids

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*for the next couple of minutes Santana cuddles up with jasmine as she watched her program and tried to forget all about the incident that accured*

Santana: *sees that its 2pm and the guests will start to arrive soon* alright! do you think you could go back outside to play with the boys while i help anna and Grace get things set up for our special guests coming? *looks down at the little girl that is cuddled up to San's side*

Jasmine: can i stay with you grandma? i dont wanna play anymore! *gives sad eyes as if she is scared to go back outside*

Santana: of course you can! you just need to stay away from all the hot stuff. so would you like to do some drawing while you wait for everyone to come over? *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: ok! *smiles then looks down at her knee and thinks for a minute*

Santana: *sees jasmine looking at her plastered knee* whats wrong?

Jasmine: im scared to hurt myself again... can you carry me please? *gives santana her best puppy dog eyes*

Santana: ok! lets go find some drawing stuff then we can go and see anna and Grace *smiles as she carries Jasmine up the stairs*

Jasmine: *saw santana go into a drawer filled with drawing stuff* wow! there is so many colours! *smiles at Grandma with excitement*

Santana: there is, isnt there?! *smiles as she gets a drawing book and then she reaches for some colouring pencils because she doesnt want to risk having jasmine put any colours on her pretty little dress she's wearing*

Jasmine: *gets handed the box of pecils and the drawing book* thanks Grandma! *smiles as Santana takes her back down the stairs and gets her all set up at the dinning table*

Santana: alright! ill just be in the kitchen if you need anything, ok? *kisses jasmines head then gets a nod and a smile from jasmine just as she is about to go across her open planned house, into the kitchen. she can still see Jasmine in the distance so she keeps an eye on her as she helps finish making all the food*

*20 minutes later! their first guests arrive!*

Toby: *knocks on the door then lets himself in because thats what they do with each other because of how close everyone has gotten over the years* hello, hello! is anybody home? *takes his shoes off then follows the voices of the girls*

Jasmine: *hears Toby saying hi to Santana and the girls. so she stops what she is doing and runs over to him* TEE-BEE, I MISSED YOU! *jumps into toby's arms and hugs him tight. completely forgetting about her leg*

Toby: *was kneeling down as he held onto Jasmine* merry Christmas Tiny! i missed you too. *lets go of Jasmine and takes her by the hand so he can go and say hi to Elliot and max too*

Santana: *smiles as she watched the interaction between her granddaughter and toby. then she turned back round to chat with ashley so she doesnt feel totally left out since jasmine stole her boyfriend from her* hey ash! how are you? *hugs ashley then they both go into the dinning room and sit down for a catch up*

Ashley: *sits across from santana* im doing alright! work has been busy as ever, but im still very much enjoying it. and all my co-workers are such a joy to be around for hours on end, so thats a bonus! *smiles*

Santana: thats great to hear! *smiles* ...i see you still havent managed to tie your boy down and get him to cut his mane of hair! *laughs as does ashley*

Ashley: ive tried but you know what he's like . hes a stubborn duchebag that will do everything he can to make excuses as to why he cant get it cut *playfully rolls her eyes and laughs as does san*

Santana: yep! that definitely sounds like him... *playfully shakes her head*

ashley: *turns to her right and sees Toby running around with the kids outside* he is such a big kid! *smiles but it doesnt reach all the way to her eyes and that doesnt go unnoticed by San*

Santana: *takes her attention away from whats happening in the back garden and puts all her attention on ashley* how has he been? *speaks with such love and care*

Ashley: *looks back at san as she sighs* hes getting there... but he still has some days where he will be really grumpy and just wants to stay locked up in his room all day. i try to be there for him, whatever he needs. but its just so hard because i dont like seeing him so down. *looks down at the table as she speaks because she is trying to keep it together*

Santana: i get it! ...he will come around eventually. its just gonna take some time to get over such a big loss like this one. i was fortunate enough to witness the close bond he had with his sister so we just need to stick together and be patient with him. no matter what the greiving process is gonna be like. *smiles weakly as Ashley smiles back just the same*

Toby: *come into the house and seems very out of breath* those kids... are animals! *hunches over and places his hands on his knees*

Santana: *laughs at Toby being a tad on the dramatic side* ive been warning you of that for years T! *laughs as does Toby and ashley*

Toby: *sits down next to ashley and gives her a peck before looking between San and ashley* so... what have you lovely ladies been chatting about while i was out there getting attacked by bears? *laughs as does the girls*

Ashley: *smiles at san as she smiles back. then they both look at Toby* girl stuff! wouldnt care for any of it. *laughs because Toby always jokes about not wanting to hear about ashley and her friends talking about boys, clothes, shoes and everything inbetween. but of course that was just a cover up to what they were actually talking about*

Toby: wow! you guys are no fun! *slouches in his seat as if he is bored out of his mind*

Santana: you are such a drama queen! *laughs*

Toby: AM NOT! *enphasises his words dramatically to prove her point*

Santana: exibit A! *puts her hands out in front of her, like you would when presenting something. that makes the 3 of them laugh*

Grace: *was in the kitchen with anna chatting so they can give san some space to catch up with her people. and just as she was about to give anna a kiss, she hear the doorbell ring* ILL GET IT! *shouts through to the people in the dinning room*

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