let the fun begin

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*back at santana's place! santana unlocks her front door as mercedes carries jasmine into the house, hearing all the fun things jasmine wants to do with the 2 woman while she is with them tonight*

Santana: im gonna call grace and let her know whats going on. ill be back in a couple of minutes then we can watch a movie or something. *looks at mercedes*

Mercedes: sounds good! *looks at san before she disappeared up stairs then Mercedes went through to the living room to see that jasmine was sat on the couch with the tv control, trying to figure out how to turn it on* hey little munchkin! what you doing? *sits down next to jasmine*

Jasmine: i wanna watch spongebob! can you help me put it on? *gives mercedes the tv control*

Mercedes: sure i can! *smiles at jasmine then turns the tv on for her* wanna snuggle under the blanket? *sees the blanket on the back of the other couch*

Jasmine: *nods her head* mhmm!

Mercedes: alright! *goes and gets the blankets then has jasmine cuddled into her side within seconds of sitting down and getting comfortable*

*20 minutes later! santana is back down the stairs and is sat next to jasmine while the 3 of them all watch spongebob together and have cuddles*

Jasmine: *started to get a sore stomach so she was whining a little because she couldnt focus on watching spongebob* Grandma... the goblins are back again! *gives santana sad eyes*

Santana: *looks down at jasmine* what goblins, sweetheart ? *has an idea of what she means but is gonna ask anyway because santana hasnt heard that fraze come out of Jasmine's mouth before*

Jasmine: the ones in my tummy! *holds her stomach and looks down at it as does mercedes and santana*

Santana: awe, thats not good! *loves that brittany's fraze has continued on into their grandchildrens lives too* how about you try going to the toilet! and if that doesnt work then i can give you some of your special medicine. *looks down at Jasmine*

Jasmine: *looks back at her grandma* ok! ... can you come with me please?

Santana: *knows that jasmine is still learning to do it all on her own but still needs a little assistance* of course i can! just call me when you think you are finished then ill come through and check on you, ok? *looks down and sees jasmine nodding then running off to use the downstairs toilet so santana is close enough to hear her shout*

Mercedes: i see the munchkin has started potty training! how that going? *looks up at san*

Santana: shes doing alright! she has a few accidence every once in a while. because when she is really into some sort of activity she enjoys, thats when she forgets to go. but apart from that she is doing pretty well, concidering she couldnt have elliot show her how its done. just like most big siblings would *looks at Mercedes*

Mercedes: yeah! thats good that shes managing then! *smiles because she is proud of jasmine*

Santana: yeah! we still keep her in pullups at night just so she can have that comfort and have a full nights sleep with no accidents or anything. *smiles at mercedes*

Mercedes: yeah...*before either of them could say anything else, Jasmine calls for santana*

Santana: duty calls! *looks at mercedes as she gets up and disappears into the hallway*

Mercedes: *just realised what santana said so she shouts through to her* wow! did you really just say that without laughing? *smiles because she knows san is still young and immature at heart for this sort of thing*

Santana: *was helping jasmine when she shouts back through to mercedes* what do you think i am, 4? *laughs*

Mercedes: *laughs then sees the girls appear in the living room again* yes... yes you are! *was answering santana's question even though she knows it wasnt needed*

Santana: *laughs at how her and mercedes can still joke around like when they were younger* read between the lines! *puts her hand up and raises her fingers other than her thumb and pinky*

Mercedes: *dramatically gasps, playfully* how dare you do that with a 4 year old here! *lifts jasmine into her lap*

Jasmine: *didnt see what santana had done because she was infront of her the whole time* what did she do, antie 'cedes? *looks at her grandma then back at mercedes*

Mercedes: oh nothing! she was just being silly! *doesnt want to explain what swearing is, to the 4 year old so she just tells part of the story*

Santana: alright! what would you like to do now? *looks down at her granddaughter*

Jasmine: hmmm... *thinks intently at all the activities she likes to do* can we go for a walk down to the river and throw stones in the water and do some paddling *talks with such excitement that the 2 older woman couldnt help but smile*

Santana: ok! come on and we will go get your little bag backed with a towel and a snack then you can choose 1 of your bath toys to take with you *smiles as jasmine jumps down from mercedes' lap and runs towards san, taking hold of her hand then dragging her up the stairs. not giving her much time to grab the little bag she came with* ... first we need to take out your pj's and teddy and put them on grandma's bed for later on. *stands at the end of her bed and she opens jasmines back and gives her the pink unicorn she brought with her*

Jasmine: *gets up onto santana's bed and places her teddy next to brittany's unicorn, that is already in the middle of the pillows* look grandma! now mine and grandma Britty's unicorn can be friends and have a sleep over too *smiles up at santana*

Santana: that so cool! im sure they will enjoy our movie night later on! *her heart is melting with such joy that brittany is still very much relevent in their lives and the young ones are trying to include her as much as they can, for the sake of santana*

Jasmine: yeah! *smiles then crawls down to where santana is sitting on the edge of the bed* whats next grandma? *looks up at san*

Santana: well! we can get you into more comfortable clothes so you can easily roll your trousers and sleeves up for playing in the river. how does that sound? *looks down at jasmine*

Jasmine: but i dont have anymore clothes here! *looks up at san with confussion*

Santana: dont worry! grandma has a special drawer for all the clothes you forget to take home with you whenever you come here . so we can just look in that and see if we can find something. *smiles as jasmine smiles back*

jasmine: wheres the drawer? *looks up at san*

Santana: *smiles at jasmine then gets up and goes over to her cupboard and opens the little set of drawers thats there* here they are! wanna come and find something you wanna wear? *smiles as jasmine skips over to where she is sitting and they look through the drawers together*

Mercedes: *goes up to check on the girls to see if they are ready? hey girlies... you guys ready to go? *looks over at santana's bed and sees Jasmine trying to put her own clothes on. she ends up putting her head in the arm whole so santana and mercedes laugh because jasmine insisted that she wouldnt need help*

Santana: *looks at mercedes then to jasmine* are you sure you dont need any help?

Jasmine: *was still trying to get her head through the right place but this time she ended up twisting it so it was on backwards* oh poop! *looks down and sees that there is no pattern on her top, so she figures that she definitely needs help now*

Santana: dont worry about it sweetheart, you'll get the hang of it one day. *smiles at jasmine then helps her put it on the right way* ...here are your trousers! *gives jasmine her joggy bottoms* do you wanna try these yourself of do you want me to do it? *looks at jasmine as she makes a decision*

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