The vibes of the room

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*during the night last night, jasmine was very fidgety and whiny, like she was having a nightmare. so santana didnt get much sleep since she was so worried about jasmine*

*its now 10:10am and elliot, Anna, grace and max are all up and eating breakfast. while san and jasmine are still fast asleep*

Elliot: *looks over and smiles at san and jasmine* i really dont understand how jazzy is still sleeping! she fell asleep so early last night! *laughs a little because he is kinda jealous that he doesnt sleep very long. because hes always dealing with some sort of pain that keeps him awake at night or has him up early in the morning*

anna: *knows that last night and this morning was one of elliots most painful ones he gets. and she had noticed that hes been trying to keep to himself and not tell his grandma anything because she has been stressing enough about whats been happening with jasmine. he just didnt want to be the reason that san ends up in an early grave due to stress* would you like some painkillers just now, before we start adventuring with everyone? *looks up at elliot and sees him trying to hid how much pain he's really in*

Elliot: *smiles weakly* yes please!

anna: *is happy that he didnt say no like he usually does* alright! ill get that for you now! is your medicine pouch in your case?

Elliot: yeah! its in one of the front pockets

anna: *gets up and goes over to find his pouch and bring it to him* now... be honest! on a scale from 1 to 10, how high is the pain level? *looks at elliot as she sits down on her seat next to grace*

Elliot: ummm... id say a 5 or a 6! *looks up at anna and smiles weakly*

Anna: alright! so would you like some paracetamol or something stronger? *trusts that elliot isnt gonna play it down just incase it gets worse when they are out and about*

Elliot: ill have some strong stuff then ill take it in my bag that i pack for going out and about! *smiles at anna then she looks through his medicine pouch for the right thing*

Anna: here you go! *smiles as she hands elliot the right medicine*

Elliot: is there any bottles of water because ive already finished my orange juice. *looks at anna and grace*

Grace: sure! i put them away in the fridge so they can be chilled for today! *gets up and goes over to get a bottle from the mini fridge*

Elliot: *gets given the water* thanks G! *smiles at grace then takes 2 painkillers*

anna: *puts all the medicine back in elliots pouch then puts it in his case before goes back to the table to finish her breakfast*

*its now 10:30am and jasmine has woken up*

elliot: *was chilling on the couch, texting with carlos on his phone when he saw jasmine sit up and rub her eyes* good morning jazzy-bear! *smiles as jasmine smiles back and tiredly walks over the the couch that elliot is on* did you sleep ok? *jasmine shakes her head so that makes elliot frown* oh no, what happend this time? *Jasmine thought about her bad dream for 2 seconds and was already getting upset* aww, dont cry! you're ok now! come on up and give me a cuddle. *reaches his arms out and lifts jasmine up. she is now sitting on his lap and hiding her face in the crook of his neck while Elliot sings her favourite song to her and rubs circles on her back to try and calm her down*

*another 10 or so minutes go by and elliot has finally got jasmine calm again. she was currently just sat on his lap and was playing with the necklace he got for christmas*

Grace: *goes over to the kids* hey jazzy, do you wanna have some breakfast yet? *was crouched down by the couch at jasmines level*

Jasmine: yes please! *smiles at grace then goes back to playing with elliots necklace*

*as jasmine was sitting at the table eating her breakfast, santana woke up*

Santana: good morning all! *smiles as she looks at her grandchildren then to grace and anna*

Elliot: hey grandma! still a late sleeper i see! *laughs because he always hears santana's friends talking about what san used to be like as a teen* 

Santana: *glares at him playfully* you're lucky you are already in one of those things hun! *points to his wheelchair*

Elliot: ouch! *playfully places his hand on his heart as if he was actually offended. but they all know he isnt that sensetive so they all just laugh at him for bickering with his grandma like they always do. because thats just the kind of relationship they have*

Anna: *moving on from santana and Elliot's bickering* would you like something to eat and drink, san?

Santana: yes please! ill have a coffee with 3 sugars and a bowl of cornflakes please*

Elliot: *still wants to joke around with his grandma* wow! you cant possibly needs to have that many sugars this early? you'll awaken the beast of snixx if you drink it all. *smiles at san*

Santana: well, after last nights sleep im gonna need snixx to help me get through the day! *laughs as does the girls! but elliot just frowns a little because he realises that jasmine must have kept her up all night with her nightmares* ...whats wrong hun? *sees elliot deep in thought about something*

Elliot: *looks at san and smiles* nothing! im ok! *doesnt wanna give san another problem this early on in the day. Santana can see that elliot is hiding something so she looks at anna and grace, in hopes that they with say something about it.*

Santana: *sees the girls look up elliot and smile weakly. so she turns back to elliot and sees him smiling weakly as well. she looks down at jasmine and sees her just eating her breakfast, being conpletely oblivious to whats going on* jazzy?

Jasmine: *has her mouth full of cereal as she turns her head to look at her grandma* yeah?

Santana: could you tell me what everyone is hiding from me? *smiles at jasmine*

Jasmine: *finished whats in her mouth* i dont know what it is grandma! *smiles inoccently*

Santana: oh! well i guess we'll just need to tickle them till they tell us. do you think that will work? *smiles as jasmine smiles and nods her head*

Jasmine: *puts her spoon down then goes over to start tickling elliot* come on El! just tell us! *continues to tickle him and hear him laugh his head off*

Santana: *sees that Elliot is kinda struggling to breath from so much laughter* alright... thats enough! *laughs a little as she goes over and lifts jasmine up so she stops tickling Elliot*

Elliot: that was so uncalled for grandma! you cannot just use jazzy as your personal weapon of persuasion. *crosses his arms and frowns*

Santana: well kid, thats what you get for trying to hide from your grandma! *laughs a little*

Elliot: *laughs as well because hes not actually mad at anyone* yeah, i know!

Santana: *looks at Elliot and gets serious again* ...would you like to talk about it?

Elliot: maybe later! *smiles at his grandma then looks at jasmine smiling up at him, being completely unaware of what hes going through with his physical pain*

Santana: alright! *smiles at elliot then looks at Jasmine* so jazzy, what you wanting to wear today? *Tries to get her all excited and not feel the vibes in the room right now*

Jasmine: i wanna be a princess! *smiles at san then runs over and jumps up onto the bed, waiting for Santana to get her stuff from the case for her*

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