ready to go home

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*after 2+ hours of cuddling on the couch, annie and harper went upstairs and managed to convince Santana and Jessica to go into the living room to watch something on the tv. annie and harper then used that time to get their stuff all packed up before dinner so that they can use the rest of their time tonight and tommorow morning to help get Santana and jessica get all packed and ready to go back home. Tommy didnt take much time to pack his stuff up so once he was done he went down to join jessica and watch tv with her and san as well as making sure they were drinking enough and had a little snack, since they didnt eat any lunch*

*once dinner was over and done with. annie and harper took Santana up the stairs to her room and Tommy took Jessica into their room*

Tommy: *sat Jessica on the edge of the bed and bent down in front of her* what would you like to pack first? just tell me and ill get it for you so you can put it in the right bit of your case. *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: can we start with my make up and bathroom stuff please *looks at Tommy*

Tommy: ok! *gives jessica a kiss then heads into the bathroom that is attached to their room* you go! *passes jessica her makeup back and tooth brush then he went back into the bathroom to get her face and body wash aswell as her special shampoo and conditioning* thats all the bathroom and makeup stuff! so whats next? *looks at Jessica and waits for her to make a decision*

Jessica: my bras, pants and socks in the top drawer please! *looks up at Tommy as he gives her what she asked for* thanks *puts all that stuff in the smaller zippy pocket in her case* now my trousers are in the middle drawer and my top halfs are in the cupboard *looks at Tommy as he gets up and starts handing stuff to jessica as she folds it and puts it in her case*

* in the room across the hall from the kids, annie and harper were helping santana and was relieved that packing everything up went alot smoother than they expected. all they needed to do was ask san what side of the drawers and cupboard brittany was using. then they told San that she just needed to focus on getting her stuff packed and doesnt need to worry about Britt's stuff because the girls would do that for her.  every couple of minutes san would pick up a clothing item of hers and she would talk about the memory attached to it that involved Brittany. whether it was a top that Brittany bought for san or just a thing of Santana's that Brittany absolutely loved on her. annie and harper were commenting on what Santana said and they were happy that they didnt say anthing in a way that would trigger santana and make her start crying again*

*it turned 9:45pm and Santana was done packing so annie and harper spoke with her and asked her if she was wanting to just get to bed or if she was wanting to watch a movie with them to settle down and relax after their day. she agreed to a movie because she was actually dreading when she'd need to go to sleep since the last time she was in bed was when she had brittany next to her all cuddled up and they were telling each other how much they loved one another.*

*tommy got a text from his mum about them watching a movie with san and said that he and jessica were more than welcome to join if they wanted. but jessica declined their offer so  her and Tommy just had an early night*

*the next day! everyone was up and ready on time for the taxi arriving and taking them straight to the airport, which was about 15 minuted from the cottage they stayed at. they got their and made it throught security and everything by 9:40am and went to find their gate and have a seat till they were told to board*

Tommy: *was sat next to jessica on the airport seats as their parents were on the chairs facing them* would you like to sit next to your mum on the flight home? *talks quietly so only jessica hears*

jessica: *looks at Tommy an speaks just as quietly* is there an option for me to sit next to the 2 of you? *smiles at tommy*

Tommy: im sure we can arrange something*smiles at Jessica then kisses her before she rest her head on his shoulder and they just stay like that for the next 30 minutes till people were called to start boarding*

*on the plane tommy placed his and jessica's stuff in the overhead cubbyhole then sat by the window so jessica could sit in the middle and have Santana sit on the isle seat in that same row*

Jessica: *saw santana walking up behind annie and harper* mum, can you sit here please? *looks up at her mum as she patted the seat next to her*

Santana: yeah, of course i can Munchkin! *smiles at jessica*

Annie: *turns round to santana once she put her and harpers stuff in the cubbyhole* here San, let me take that for you! *reaches out to grab her and brittany's stuff*

Santana: *hands annie the 2 bags she had in her hands* thanks! *goes and sits next to Jessica and grabs hold of her hand as soon as San was strapped in*

*10 minutes later! everyone onboard was seated when the pilot came on the speaker to start saying what he needed to say. once the plane took off the drinks and snacks cart came past and even though santana said no to both, harper still got her something because she knows that santana tends to starve herself when she isnt in a good mood. everyone was helping out by checking on her throughout the flight and making sure she didnt get too upset with everything and did something to keep her busy, like a sudoku or drawing. at one point jessica decided to do some drawing aswell. so the 2 of them had a drawing competition and were laughing away at how competative they still get even through they are fully grown adults*

Santana: you are at an advantage here because the person judging is the guy you sleep with. so of course he is gonna favourite yours *playfully rolls her eyes as everyone else laughs*

Jessica: or maybe i won because im just that good! *santana playfully sticks her tounge out and jessica laughs then does it back to her mum*

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