day for the ladies

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Santana: *woke up to the smell of bacon and egg, so she got her dressing gown and slippers on then made her way down the stairs* whats going on in here? *sees mercedes stood by the cooker*

Mercedes: *turned round and sees a very tired looking santana, with major bed head* good morning sunshine! *smiles then turns back to see that the eggs were done cooking. so she turns the cooker off then plates up 2 eggs for herself and 2 for santana*

Santana: whats all this for? *didnt expect to have a personal chief this morning*

Mercedes: *took the bacon out the oven and plated it up next to the eggs on each plate* just a little treat to thank you for being our host and giving up your house for the afternoon. *smiles as she gives one of the plates to san then follows her to the dinning table*

Santana: well thank you for making such a big deal out of it. i really appreciate you being here to keep me company last night and now for an amazing breakfast that im sure will have quinn drooling from up in the clouds *laughs a little as she remembers the obsession her bestie had with bacon*

Mercedes: im sure she is! *laughs*

Santana: so, whats your plans next? how long do you think youll be staying before you fly back to LA *looks up at mercedes as she eats her breakfast*

Mercedes: *finished chewing whats in her mouth* well, if its alright with you then ill just stay for the rest of the week and leave on sunday. *looks up at san to see what she thinks*

Santana: of course thats ok! you are welcome whenever, you know that! *smiles as mercedes smiles back then they both continue to eat their breakfast*

*after the breakfast dishes when washed and put away, both woman went to chill in the living room and have some quiet reading time*

*A couple hours later! Santana was on the phone with the doctor to talk about jasmine being a lot more sensitive and aggressive when she doesn't get her way, the past few days. Santana was asking for the doctor to do a checkup and give their professional opinion*

Mercedes: *sees Santana come into the room* what did the doc say?

Santana: *sits down on the couch with Mercedes* I've got to take her in for a check up on Friday!

Mercedes: alright! *can see that Santana is nervous for whatever is gonna come from this. So she reaches out and takes hold of Santana's hand and lightly drags thumb across it to comfort her* would you like me to come with you?

Santana: would you mind? *doesn't wanna ruin Mercedes' holiday by dragging her along to a stressful appointment*

Mercedes: of course not! *smiles at san*

Santana: ok! I'll call and tell the girls that I'll be over to pick jazzy up on Friday at 3:30pm then she can have a little sleep over with us as a prize for doing well at the doctors. *smiles then takes her phone back out her pocket to look for Anna's number*

*on the phone*

Santana: morning Anna

Grace (Anna's phone): *is the one to answer the call* hey san, it's me! Anna is still fast asleep so i thought I'd answer after I saw that it was you calling.

Santana: oh hey! How are you doing?

Grace (Anna's phone): I'm ok! Just looking after the mrs and giving her extra special treatment after little jazzy's outburst last night.

Santana: about that... I've just gotten off the phone with the doctor and they are ok to give jasmine a check up and give us a professional opinion about what's been going on with her recently.

Grace (Anna's phone): alright, great! What day and time did they say?

Santana: it's on Friday at 4pm! And I thought that I'd just keep her for a sleepover after that,
as a little treat for doing well at the appointment. Also so she can spend a bit more time with Mercedes before she flies back to LA.

Grace (Anna's phone): alright! I'll let Anna know. Thanks san!

Santana: no problem! See you's on Friday.

Grace (Anna's phone): see you then!

Santana: bye! *hangs up then goes back to see Mercedes*

*it was currently wednesday, so for the next 2 days that the girls were kid free they really took full advatage of it and went out clothes shoping, out for a meal and out to get their nails done. then on thursday they did even more clothes shopping and eating out. just making the most of their time together before mercedes leaves*

*friday morning at 11:30am*

Mercedes: *woke up before san so she decided to be funny and wake san up old school style* notgonna lie... there is a good chance that ill be coming up to visit you after this britt. *laughs at herself for wanting to do something that has a 90% chance of triggering snixx. she picks up her pillow and smacks santana over the head with it* morning sunshine! *speaks enthusiastically even though she is shitting herself because she's worried about what san will do to her after her little stunt*

Santana: *santana groans and turns her head to face away from Mercedes then a second later she lifts up her arm and flips her off. that made them both laugh*

Mercedes: come on oldie, its already 11:30am! *puts her pillow back in its place and sits on the bed waiting for san to get up*

Santana: and? *still had her eyes closed facing away from Mercedes*

Mercedes: you need to get your stinky ass up and in the shower so you can get ready to pick snixx jr up. *smiles at herself for reffereing to jasmine in that way*

Santana: *turns round to mercedes* first of all, i dont smell because i washed yesterday! and second, i dont take that long to get ready anymore because i no longer give a shit about how i look. so i will be fine to get ready in 2 hours! *she speaks sternly but that last statement hit hard because she rememebers the last time she would make an effort with her style was when brittany was around to whistle and holler at her like when they were teenagers. she doesnt want to dress like that anymore because it will just get the attention of pervy old men that can take advantage of san now that she doesnt have her bodyguard by her side*

Mercedes: *knows all about santana's situation with the way she dresses these days. so she feels bad for bringing it up in the first place* im sorry san! i just forgot for a second about the whole clothes situation. *frowns*

Santana: its ok! lets just go and get breakfast and watch some tv for a couple of hours *smiles then gets out of bed to go to the bathroom quickly*

Mercedes: *still feels guilty for making san sad so now she is down stairs making breakfast again. this time as an apologie gift to san*

Santana: *came down from the bathroom and say mercedes cooking* hey M! you really didnt have to make anything for me. i would have been happy to do it. you are my guest after all.

MErcedes: i know i am but i was a bitch to you this morning so as an apologie i am making you an omelet. *smiles up at san*

Santana: yay, my favourite! *smiles at mercedes*

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