they better treat you right

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Jasmine: *feels elliot nudge her a little and whisper words of encouragment and reasurance so she isnt so worried about everything that has happened* im sorry Grandma! i didnt mean to make you guys sad. i promise i wont give you the silent treatment anymore*

Santana: *smiles because she is happy that jasmine has finally gotten out of her stubborn state of not speaking about things that can only be fixed if she talks to santana about it* your apology is accepted sweetheart! ...get your little behind over here and give your grandma a big hug! *laughs as does elliot and the girls*

Jasmine: *doesnt hesitate to go over and get onto santana's lap and snuggle into her chest* i love you grandma!

Santana: and i love you my little monkey! *holds jasmine close and kisses her on the head befor she looks up at elliot and smiles as she gestures for him to come over and join in on the hug. which he does without a second thought because hes been waiting for jasmine to forgive him and let them go back to the way they used to be*

*just then, their gate was called! so everyone picked up their things and heading over to the door that leads to their plane. once santana was sat between her 2 grandchildren she kissed them both on the head and was smiling because she couldn't stop thinking about how lucky she is to have such well behaved grandkids that are so close to each other no matter what they fight about. it was the same for Grace and anna because with all the drama that has happened this week, max has remained their happy and carefree teenager that just does his own thing and also tries to keep everyone happy even if he has absolutely no idea whats going on in that moment*

*most of the flight was spent with the kids on their devices, watching movies. anna and grace were being their usual clingy selves. cuddling, kissing and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears. and lastly, santana had nothing to do so she thought she'd have a bit of a laugh by snooping on Elliot as he texts with melissa*

Santana: *smiles as she sees elliot blushing and smiling at down at his phone* oh to be young and inlove! *laughs a little*

elliot: *whips his head round and looks so embarrassed that he didnt even notice how santana was watching him like a hawk* Grandma, that is so not cool! *groans in true teenage boy style*

Santana: oh calm down! its nothing i havent seen before! *laughs as elliot smiles nervously*'re forgetting that i was in your position back in the day! surprised that brittany lasted as long as she did with my crazy and extremely clingy ass by her side every minute of every day! *laughs as she thinks about how she would have to hide her phone from her mum whenever brittany was texting her because there was always something that would be said that made santana blush like crazy.* i never liked sharing stuff about my ralationship with my mum because i was always so scared that it would scare her away and make her walk out on me just like my dad did once he found out that i wasnt gonna grown up and marry the guy that my dad wanted me to be with. *smiles sadly as she remmebered how much it hurt for her to be kicked out of her house and not get to see either of her parents for so long* part of me tried not to care about those who gave up on me because of who i love but it was hard to lose the 2 people in my life that once told me who loved me unconditionally, no matter what. *rolls her eyes* but then there was the other side of me that didnt care how clingy i was to brittany because despite all the crap that i went through. in the end i found my dream girl that made me feel so loved and cared for even when i was being a bitch and expected britt to give up on me just like everyone else.

Elliot: *smiles sypathetically at his grandma because he feel bad she didnt get her happy ending* i know its not gonna mean much since i didnt meet Grandma Britty but from what ive heard, she was amazing and your dad is an absolute douchebag for not seeing that your happiness should have been the most important thing. reputation isnt everything and im so greatful that ive learned that from you and my mama while i was still young. ill be sure to pass on the knowlege i have for when jazzy gets to the age where she goes out looking for her soulmate... boy or girl, i dont care as long as they treat her like a princess then thats all that matters. i know that mum and dad would say the same. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: you are and jazzy and gonna do just fine in the real world. just promise me that you kids wont let idiot boyfriends and girlfriends come between the 2 of you. dont hide things from each other because at the end of the day you are all she has and the same goes for you with her. no one in this world knows you guys better than you know each other.... if you do end up doing anything stupid then me and brittany will be sure to throw pigeons down from the sky and have them do their buisiness all over you till you get the memo! *laughs as does elliot*

Elliot: we wont! i promise! *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: good boy!, tell me! whats this melissa girl like? she has you blushing like a damn stop sign! *laughs and gets all excited like a school girl that is overhearing gossip*

Elliot: *was gonna keep this stuff to himself but santana's speach proved to him that he would feel much better to talk about and be proud of the people who bring him joy because it can all be taken away from him in the blink of an eye* she's so funny! shes really smart and is always willing to help me out when i dont understand something. and even when she does something as small and giggle or smile, its just the cutest thing! *has a dreamy look in his eye and speaks with such happiness*

Santana: awe thats adorable! *smiles at elliot, feeling so happy that he has found someone that will be there to take care of him when san is no longer around*

Elliot: she's been asking for a while if she can come over and meet you guys but i dont really feel ready for that yet. *smiles weakly*

Santana: thats ok! im sure she will understand! just tell her that she can come round at some point in the future. *smiles*

Elliot: yeah! *smiles then looks back at his phone to see that he has another message from melissa. he doesnt respond because he gets lost in thought about something that he has been worrying about ever since he first started talking with melissa* Grandma... *looks up at san*

Santana: *looks back at elliot* yeah?...

Elliot: there is one thing that i still need to tell melissa about but im just so scared that she will see me differently and no longer wanna go out with me. *frowns at the throught of his worst fear becoming reality*

Santana: *frowns at the look in elliots eye* well, from what you've told me so far it looks like she is gonna be stuck to you like glue *smiles then gets serious again* ... whats got you so worried about her changing her mind?

Elliot: well... she can obviously see that im in a wheelchair just like her but she doenst know that im not able to use the bathroom like most people and instead i have to wear pullup like a toddler. what if she laughs at me and tells her friends then her friends start spreading that piece of information to use against me. *tears up a little bit*

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