looking after each other

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Santana: *placed jasmine on her bed and couldnt help but take a photo of her because she just looked so cute, all wrapped up in her hooded duck towel* say cheese! *takes the photo then puts her phone down so she can get jasmine into her pj and cuddled up in bed, ready for their movie*

Mercedes: *sees that santana was still in her wet clothes from the river so she takes over with getting jasmine ready for bed* ive got this! you go get in the shower and warm up before you get a cold! *doesnt give santana a chance to decline her offer as she pushes santana in the direction of the bathroom*

Santana: wait... i cant go anywhere without a towel or my pj's.*puts her hands out to stop mercedes from pushing her any further out the room*

Mercedes: right! *lets san get her stuff. mercedes just goes back over to jasmine and sits on the bed with her as they choose the movie they wanna watch*

Santana: *gets her pj's, hairbrush and towel then heads out the room* alright, thats me! *smiles at the girls* i wont be long!

Mercedes: kk! *smiles at san then goes back to looking through the movies*

Jasmine: *spots "the princess and the frog"and gets all excited* TIANA! TIANA! TIANA! *smiles at mercedes*

Mercedes: i hear ya! you're gonna have to calm down munchkin because i dont want tana getting mad at me for you being all hyper. *laughs at how jasmine can go from 1 to 100 so quickly*

Jasmine: *feels kinda bad that she shouted* sorry... i just love that movie so much! *frowns because she thinks that mercedes is actually mad at her*

Mercedes: its ok! you arent in trouble. *smiles as jasmine smiles back* lets get this movie started then when your grandma come back, ill go down and make us some popcorn. how does that sound? *smiles at jasmine because she already knows the answer*

Jasmine: yay! popcorn! *throws her hands in the air and smiles as if she has just been told the best news in her life*

Santana: *walks back into her room a few minutes later* did i hear popcorn?! *smiles at the girls as they smile back*

Mercedes: yep! im gonna go down and make a mix of sweet and salted for us just now *gets up and walks towards the bedroom door*

Santana: *walks over to her dressing table and starts to brush her hair* thanks M! *smiles at mercedes then turns back round to start brushing her hair*

Jasmine: *had started watching the movie then she turns to see san brushing her hair* Grandma, can i brush your hair for you and play with it?

Santana: *smiles at jasmine* sure you can! just be careful not to pull my hair too hard! *sits infront of jasmine*

Jasmine: *kneels up on her knees so she can reach santana properly* ok! *takes santana's brush and starts to gently brush her hair*

*5 minutes later*

mercedes: *comes in the room with a tray of drinks and a big bowl of popcorn* whats going on in here? *sees jasmine trying to put santana's hair in a braid, but she isnt quite getting the hang of it*

Jasmine: im making grandma's hair like ours! *smiles up at mercedes*

Mercedes: thats cool! would you like some help? *puts the tray on the dressing table then sits down on the edge of the bed, next to jasmine*

Jasmine: *tries one last time to do a braid but she drops most of the hair since its not tight enough* ugh, i cant do it! *frowns because she was really excited to do santana's hair for her*

Santana: *turns round to look at jasmine* dont be sad sweetie, you tried your best! we'll just need to practice some more and im sure you'll be able to do it one day. *smiles*

Jasmine: yeah, i guess! *is still kinda disappointed that it didnt work for her*

Mercedes: alright! who's ready for some popcorn and a cuddle? *smiles down at jasmine*

Jasmine: ME! *smiles at the girls then gets herself under the covers in the middle while cuddling with hers and britt's unicorn teddy*

*santana and mercedes cuddle up on either side of the 4 year old then they put the bowl of popcorn in the middle so they can all reach it. as always, santana is the first one to fall asleep before the movie is even over*

Jasmine: *looks over and sees santana sleeping, so jasmine leans over and gives san a kiss on the head and whispers to her* good night grandma! be sure to dream of unicorns and rainbows and all the cutest puppies and rabbits too *smiles at san then lays down to cuddle into her, laying on her chest*

Mercedes: *was watching jasmine in awe of how sweet and caring she is to those who mean the most to her* that was so cute munchkin! im sure your grandma will have the best dream and tell us all about it tommorow *smiles as jasmine smiles back*

Jasmine: yeah! shes probably gonna dream about grandma britty too, because she really misses her! *frowns a little because she wishes that san can have brittany by her side, making her as happy as she used to be*

Mercedes: *lays down and cuddles into jasmine* yeah! im sure she will! and Brittany will be sure to make your grandma very happy even though she cant be here in person anymore. *smiles weakly because even she still gets a little pain in her chest when talking about brittany and how much joy she brought into her bestie's life*

Jasmine: really? *looks up at mercedes* i wish i could have met her! she and i would be best friends and we would have been able to play with our unicorns together. *smiles as she imagines how fun it would be to spend time with her other grandma*

Mercedes: she would have loved that! *smiles as she hears jasmine talking so highly of her grandma that she never even met*

Jasmine: i cant wait to meet her when i go up in the clouds one day *smiles as she looks at brittanys unicorn teddy that she is holding*

Mercedes: me too! im gonna be giving her a big hug. as well and rachel and quinn too *smiles*

Jasmine: where they yours and grandma's best friends too? *doesnt rememeber much about the girls because she was just a baby when they died*

Mercedes: yep! me and tana knew them from when they were in highschool with us. *smiles*

jasmine: thats cool! *smiles* i really wish they didnt have to go, because now grandma is all sad and lonely without them *frowns*

Mercedes: dont worry munchkin! your grandma has us and we will do everything we can to keep her happy! wont we? *looks at jasmine*

Jasmine: definitely! *smiles at mercedes*

Mercedes: *looks at the clock on the wall and sees that its 11pm* alright munchkin, lets get some sleep so me, you and tana can have even more fun tomorrow.

Jasmine: ok! *smiles at mercedes then cuddles into her and falls asleep within seconds*

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