you've got a friend in me

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Santana: *finally lets out a big sigh that she was holding in while saying goodbye to the kids* well thats not how i expected to end the night! ...i dont know if its just what 4 year olds do or not. because jasmine has shed quite alot of tears today... and not the nice kind. *frowns as she walks back into the house with mercedes*

Mercedes: yeah! i havent seen her get herself so worked up like that before. maybe you should just take her to the doctors to ask for some advice. because its worth asking incase it is something serious and jazzy just doesnt wanna tell us herself or she might not even fully understand how she is feeling. *weakly smiles at san as they both go into the kitchen*

Santana: yeah! you're right! ill phone and make an appointment tommorow then ill have a chat with the girls about it once i find out what day the appointment will be. *smiles at Mercedes as she smiles back and nods her head in agreement* ....anyway! moving on from that. would you like a hot drink? *smiles at mercedes*

Mercedes: mmm, yes please! *smiles at San* could i have a hot chocolate with marshmallows please*

Santana: *got 2 mugs out the cupboard and put the kettle on* sure! i think im gonna have the same because i havent had one in a while.

Mercedes: *watches as san makes their hot chocolates* so... what would you like to do now?

Santana: *puts the marshmallows in the hot chocolates then turns round to give one of the mugs to mercedes* well... there was one more thing i was hoping to do... *looks out the window to see that the sun is setting* but im not sure if we will have enough time. *looks at mercedes to see if she is gonna have any objections to certain things, like going outside one last time*

Mercedes: *saw san look outside so in that moment she just knew what santana was thinking* you wanna go visit the girls and have a few words with them? *looks at san*

Santana: *was shocked that mercedes knew what san wanted but was very greatful that she didnt seem bothered about doing it* would you mind? its just that i havent been to see them in a while and i feel kinda bad because they are gonna feel like they are being forgotten and not a big priority in my schedual *feels bad for not visiting brittany as much as she usually does. but she knows that brittany is looking down on San and sees that she has a perfectly good explaination*

Mercedes: of course im ok with that! i havent been to visit them so id be more than happy to. *smiles as santana smiles back*

Santana: alright! lets finish these then we can get going *sips away at her hot chocolate as does mercedes*

*when they find themselves getting marshmallow mustaches, they cant help but take a selfie together, for sharing with their people but also just to keep it as memories. 10 minutes later the 2 ladies have their jacket and shoes on and are heading out to the graveyard that isnt to far from santana's place*

Santana: we're here! *speaks with excitement even though she knows shes gonna end up crying like a baby as soon as she sits down by Brittany and jessica's stones*

Mercedes: alright, lets do this! *speaks with excitement too even though she can see the hurt in santana's eyes that she sees everytime santana talks about brittany or jessica*

*meanwhile, back at anna and Grace's house! they have just finished getting the kids into their pj's and had them eat whatever they wanted for super before going back up the stairs to brush their teeth and tucked in bed before 10pm*

Grace: *was sat in bed as she saw anna walk out the bathroom after doing her usual nightly skincare routine* are you ok hun? the way jasmine was acting up earlier didnt look very good. *anna gets under the covers and cuddles into Grace*

Anna: *looks up at Grace* yeah! there will definitely be a few scratches and bruises by tommorow, but im ok! *smiles weakly because she actually has a sore rib from one of jasmines kicks*

Grace: no you're not! where does it hurt? *looks at anna with such worry because grace can tell that anna is trying to hide her pain*

Anna: *sighs because she knew she wouldnt be able to get anything past grace* ok fine! my rib is kinda sore when i lay down.

Grace: *frowns* which rib is it? *pulls the covers back a bit so she can see anna's torso*

Anna: right here! *points to her right rib*

Grace: *reaches out to put her hand on anna's rib lightly* does it hurt when i touch it? *is looking into anna's eyes trying to see how she will gonna react to Grace's touch*

Anna: a little bit! *looks up at Grace with sad eyes because she is now realising that she probably wont be able to get any hugs tonight if she cant lay on her side or have graces touch near her torso like they always do.*

Grace: *sighs because she hates seeing anna in pain. sadly with this particular situation, Grace isnt sure how to make it better* would you like me to run you a nice warm bath and see if that helps at all? *looks at anna*

Anna: but its already so late and i dont want the kids getting up because of the running water.

Grace: it will be fine because we have our own bathroom and ill just make sure all their doors and our door is closed before i put it on.

Anna: ok! *smiles at Grace because she is really trying to think of ways to help anna feel better*

Grace: alright, ill be back in a second! *kisses anna then goes out the room to make sure the kids rooms are closed off. then she comes back and closes their bedroom door* thats that done so now im gonna run your bath while you get undressed and into your dressing gown for now. *kisses anna then disappears into the bathroom to get it all set up for anna*

*back with santana and Mercedes! the girls were sat on the grass infront of the 2 stones that have brittany and jessica engraved in them*

Mercedes: *held onto santana's hand to comfort her because she had already started to tear up before any words came out her mouth* you got this! I'm here for you! take your time and say whatever is on your mind. *smiles as santana smiles weakly back at her*

Santana: *looks back at jessica's stone and takes a deep breath* hey my little munchkin! its your old mum tan! *laughs a little as does mercedes* i just came to say hey because we just got finished up with our first christmas without you and tommy here. *a few tears fall* sam and sugar got the kids a very special gift and they loved it because now they will have you and tommy close by for the rest of their lives. *smiles as does mercedes along with a gentle sqeeze to the hand as a sign that mercedes is proud of santana for being able to speak about how she is feeling since its something she has always struggled with her whole life*

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