flying with unicorns

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*10 minutes later! Santana just pulled up outside her place. she turns the engine of and gets out to go and open the door for jasmine*

Santana: *sees Jasmine is fighting sleep again* come on little monkey! lets get you in grandmas cozy bed. *carries jasmine on sans hip then carries jasmines suitcase in her other hand*

Jasmine: *had her head on santana's shoulder* do we have to go to sleep grandma? i dont wanna! *was trying hard not to fall asleep just so she doesnt have to have the same nightmare again*

Santana: *can see that jasmine is shattered but also knows why she doesnt wanna give into sleep* dont worry sweetheart! ill be giving you lots of cuddles tonight then when you wake up tomorrow, we will go into town and you can pick out a new toy. how does that sound? *was trying to remind jasmine of the good things that they are gonna be doing this week while shes off from nursery*

Jasmine: im so excited! *smiles as she finally lets her eyes close and falls aleep as santana gets into the house and takes jasmine up to her room so santana can freshen up quickly then get into her pj*

Santana: *tucks jasmine into brittany's side of the be and places britt's unicorn next to jasmine. then san leans over and kisses her on the head* good night my little princess. *walks off and picks out some pj before going for a quick shower and finally let her body relax after the day*

*the next morning! Santana woke up and was happy to see that jasmine made it through the rest of the night without any disruptions. san sighs contently as she lays on her back and looks up at the celling in a daze*

*25 minutes later!*

Jasmine: *starts to stir. she turns to face santana but still has her eyes closed till after stretching her little body* good morning Grandma! *smiles then notices that santana is looking at the celling and doesnt turn to look at jasmine. so jasmine *gets up and crawls over brittany's unicorn and leans over santana so jasmine's face is right above santana's*

Santana: *gets a fright because she didnt realise how deep in thought she was till jasmine just appears so quietly* good morning my little sneaky monkey! *tickles jasmine's sides and makes her fall onto santana's stomach*

Jasmine: *giggles as she catches her breath* Grandmaaaa! *whines out of frustration that everyone keeps on tickling her*

Santana: yes? *smiles inocently like she doesn't know that jasmine would get annoyed by being tickled*

Jasmine: stop being the tickle monster! *sits on her knees with her arms crossed, looking down at san with a pout*

Santana: *laughs at jasmine looking and acting so much like jessica when she was at that age* im sorry jazzy, its just because your laugh is so cute and i like seeing you all smiley. *smiles at jasmine, hoping she wont stay mad*

Jasmine: ok! *all traces of annoyance is forgotten as she climbs onto santana and lays on her chest, cuddling her grandma like a little koala*

Santana: *smiles as she cuddles her granddaughter and just embraces the peacfulness she feels now that jasmine is slowly going back to her old self* what you thinking of sweetheart?

Jasmine: unicorns! *smiles up at san because she's always happy when thinking of a world where she would get to fly around on unicorns and slide down rainbows, or eat chocolate coins with her leprechaun friends*

Santana: *laughs at jasmine because san isnt all that surprised that her 6 year old granddaughter would be thinking of all the make- believe stuff that she loves* me too! *was thinking of brittany so it wasnt a complete lie since san used to call brittany her precious little unicorn, in their teen years*

Jasmine: *lifts her head of santana's chest and looks right at her with shock and happiness* really? *didnt expect her grandma to say that because she thought that it was a childish thing to think about*

Santana: yep! *smiles as she thinks about brittany and all the fun they had together*

jasmine: are you talking about Grandma britty again? *giggles as she looks at her grandma*

Santana: of course i am! how did you know? *looks at jasmine with playfully confussion even though she is well aware that she talks about brittany enough for her grandbabies to feel like they actually new her and met her*

Jasmine: *smiles as san smiles back* Elliot told me that you used to call grandma britty a unicorn because she loved them just as much as i do. *smiles as sans smile grows wider*

Santana: i did indeed! *smiles and tears up a little because she just really misses brittany*

Jasmine: *sees her grandma tear up. she is quick to wipe it away then hug santana in a tight embrace* dont cry Grandma! Grandma britty is still your unicorn! shes just living with all the other unicorns in the clouds now! *smiles at san trying to make her feel better*

Santana: *smiles at jasmine, feeling so happy she is there to help san feel better about everything* yeah! im sure she is having so much fun. and my mummy and your mummy are looking after her to make sure she doesnt do anything silly. *laughs as she imagines brittany causing chaos and winding quinn and rachel up*

Jasmine: yeah! they will all be looking after each other like how you, anna and gracie are doing with me, Elliot and max. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: exactly! *smiles as jasmine smiles back then lays on santana's chest just cuddling her and enjoying the piece peace and quiet as she thinks about her flying with her mum and dad on their very own unicorns. santana goes back to thin king about brittany and then she is reminded of how she said she was gonna try to go out into the world and find herself another blonde that will love her and look after her the way brittany did*

*The first few days for Santana and jasmine had been spent having lots of lazy days just staying home, wearing there pj's. but now santana realises that she should probably go out food shopping because the cupboards are almost bare*

Santana: *was trying to teach jasmine to do her own laces* do you think you got it now? *looks up at jasmine after doing her own shoe laces to show the 6 year old how its done*

Jasmine: i think so... *had a seriously concentrated face on as she takes each lace in her hands and thinks about what san did first*

Santana: *watches as jasmine manages the first knot* good job! the floppy bunny ears! *was describing the next step jasmine had to do and watched her perfect it* awesome... now you just need to tie them together like you did with the first knot. *smiles as jasmine carefully makes the knot*

Jasmine: *finished tying one shoe lace and looks up at her grandma with a big smile in her face* I DID IT!

Santana: *smiles with such pride* you sure did! high five! *puts her hand up for jasmine to give her a highfive* now you just need to do the exact same thing with your other shoe! *points to the laces that were hanging down either side of jasmines foot*

Jasmine: *smiles then gets right into doing her other lace now that she knows she can do it without any help* done! *stands up and smiles as Santana smiles back*

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