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When Yui, Ayato, and Laito got into class, It was crowded with vampires. Not one single human. Yui's heart sped up when she had to sit in the second row, third column sitting next to Laito. Ayato sitting two seats behind her. The teacher walked into the classroom, and Yui was amazed.

"Reiji?!" Yui asks outloud

"Yui be quiet, im only here for one thing and one thing only. well two. but, i'm here to teach. Now relax."

"I will try."

one hour later

"Um, excuse me, may i go to the bathroom?" Yui asks

"Well, i suppose, be quick." Reiji responded

"Can i go to?" Ayato and Laito asked at the same time

"HEY I ASKED FIRST!" Laito yells


"CUT IT OUT! now Laito, i trust you more, kind of, now go ahead."


"I didn't want any of you to go with her but, school isn't for arguing, i needed to stop it before it got to out of hand. and, you do know you are perverted too. now go fast Yui and Laito."

"True. HEY!"

They got up and walked to the bathroom, Laito waited out the door as Yui went inside. 'It's empty, how come no one goes to the bathroom here, is that the only class here. i need to clear my mind a bit' Yui thinks. After some time thinking about what is happening she walks out of the bathroom. Laito had a discriminating look on his face when he looked at Yui. Laito grabs her the arm and makes her stand in front of her in the empty hall way. He grabs her wrist that had the cut on her hand.

"This is the best time to drink your blood, no one is here. just me....and you little bitch" Laito said while look around to make sure no one else is there.

"Please, don't. i beg you" Yui uneasily said.

"Begging isn't going to help you in this situation. Now, are you ready for pleasure?"

"Pleasure!!! I dont think we are thinking the same definition of pleasure!!!" Yui cryed out

"Well, I really don't care, i'll do what ever makes me happy. I don't care if you feel pleasured or not, i'm still going to bite you. The wrist is the best part, it has the sweetest blood throughout the body. Im not going to bite your pulse to make you die, but somewhere near there, ok. Little bitch."

Laito brings Yui's bad wrist up to his mouth and starts kissing it a litlle bit. He opens his mouth and bites down hard on her wrist. Yui looked away and closed her eyes in pain as she yelped. It hurts her so much, it might be good for a vampire, but it isn't good for a human. It feels like two needles sticking in her when she gets bit. She Doesn't quite know why they think its pleasureable to her, When it isn't. The blood of Yui Is getting lost by her wrist every second.

Laito ungrips his bite and says "Wow, the wrist is so much better then the leg. i wonder how good your.....

"LAITO!!!!!!! REIJI TRUSTED YOU AND YOU GO AND BITE HER ON THE WRIST!!!!" Ayato yells as he ran up to Yui and pulled her away from Laito.

Laito still had a hold on yui's wrist so when he pulled her, he pulled Laito and they all fell to the floor. Laito face first into the floor and yui laying on Ayato between his legs and aytao laying on the floor flat on his back. Laito sits up and Yui and Ayato does the same without saying a word. The three get up and and Ayato grabs Yui's good left arm and makes her come with him. Laito slowly walking behind. again, silence between them. not even a thank you from Yui because he wasn't doing it to be nice,  he was probably doing it for some other reason.

"Class is over thanks to the asshole Laito. by the way, class ends at 12:00 and you guys left at 11:00. You guys took a long time. And if your wondering why school is so short, There isn't much to learn. By the way, Reiji is going to let us out of here we are going to go outside to wait for the limo to come pick us up. ok pancake?"

"Yes, thank you for, you know,  for what you did back there." Yui replied

"I did that just to be nice and because i do not want Reiji to pissed off, trust me, you do not  want to see him mad. it is not a good sight. And, thats what friends are for."

When Yui heard the word 'friend' come out of his mouth, she was confused. like she would be friends with someone that drinks her own blood, especially whe he does it pervertedly. that is even worse.

A half an hour later at the mansion

"So how was school Yui? did anything happen?" Reiji asked while everyone took their seats on the couches.

"Well, When i got out of the bathroom Laito..... Yui started until Laito covers her mouth.

"Laito... bit her on the wrist." Ayato continued while showing Reiji the bite mark on Yui's wrist.

"oooooh, biting her on the wrist is the best part! right teddy?" Kanato says happily

"Well, i know that if anyone is going to volunteer to go with her anywhere I will go with her. But Laito on the other hand, i will deal with you later. But for now. Everyone go do your own thing. Yui, go to the kitchen, i will make you tea to calm your nerves down a little better." Reiji Explained

Yui once again blinked and everyone left besides Shuu that was sleeping on the couch. She got up from her chair and walked slowly to the kitchen and grabbed a seat.

"Here is your tea, drink it carefully. It's hot."


"no need to thank me."

"what is it?"

"Taste it."

Yui takes a sip of the tea. it doesn't taste that good but she trys to bare with it, she is incredibly thirsty. It was either the loss of blood or she hasn't dranken something in two days. After a couple of minutes of drinking the tea, she feels a little drousy, no, very drousy.

"What is in this tea?"

"Its just some normal tea, why. does it taste bad?"

"No, it tastes fine, i just feel........ Yui started until she fell asleep.

Yui started to fall over, but before she hit the ground Subaru was there to catch her.

"I put some drousy stuff i whiped up in her tea so she can get some rest, Humans need sleep. She didn't get enough sleep so, i knocked her ouy. It isn't....."

"Did you seriously have to make her go to sleep, you couldn't have just asked her to go to sleep?" Subaru interupted cradeling Yui in his arms.

"That would have been to much work, and besides, knocking someone out is faster then asking her to got to sleep. when someone asks you to go to sleep, its hard for the person to fall alseep because if....."

"ok, i get it. Do you want me to bring her to her room?" Subaru interupted again

"Thats what i was planning for you to do, yes."

Subaru brings her to her room and made her as comfortable as a human can get in her bed. She is sound asleep and Subaru walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"Laito!!!!! come here please. i need to talk to you!" Reiji shouts from the living room couch.

Read part 4 to see what this conversation is about

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