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(Hey, I have no excuse for not writing for over a year.....but this chapter is going to be great, thank you for all your comments, and favorites, and you guys adding this to your reading list! i appreciate it, but now, lets get back to some action with the Sakamaki brothers, Yui, Izaya and Shizuo)

"That.....was amazing!!!" Yui screeches while she walks back to her seat

Shizuo looks Izaya in the eyes, like he is desperate for more. "I don't know anymore......" Shizuo says quietly

"About what?" Izaya questions

"Who I want." Shizuo turns quickly around, leaving Izaya in shock, and starts walking back to his seat

"Alrighty then! Shizuo! Truth or dare someone!" Yui looks at shizuo, even happier than before, and Izaya sits back in his seat

"U...uh ok, uh laito.....truth or dare?" Shizuo asks, still flustered

"I thought you would never ask, uh why not a truth, you can ask anything you want!" Laito smirks looking at Shizuo.

Shizuo looks up at him, he asks "Why do you always wear that stupid hat?" 

Laito laughs and responds "I got it as a gift.....from uh, someone."

"Someone?" Ayato questions

"Uh, yeah. Anyway, Ayato, truth or dare!" Laito goes from sad, to excited real quick

"tsk, dare" 

A sly grin spreads across Laito's face. "I dare you to turn Shizuo." 

Ayato's eyes widen along with Shizuo's as they both look at each other, then back at Laito. 

"You can't be serious?!" Shizuo exclaims "Excessive and uncontrollable anger, and being a blood sucking vampire!? don't get me wrong, vamps are cool, there is no way I can be one!" 

"Sure you can, it's amazing, being immortal, having your senses risen, taste of human blood, speed!" Laito states

Ayato gets up and grabs Shizuo to make him stand up. 

"You do remember how to turn someone right?" Reiji asks

"Yes, feed him my blood....and kill them." Ayato looks at Reiji then back to shizuo 

"You are kidding right? Can I pass on my dare??" Shizuo asks slowly backing away but Ayato pulls him back

"No." Ayato smirks

Izaya looks scared, along with Yui. Ayato bites his wrist and holds it up near Shizuo's mouth. Shizuo nervously grabs his wrist and starts to drink from it, as his face cringes from the taste and quickly pulls away, spitting and wiping his mouth. "Now, this is the easy part." Ayato goes up to Shizuo, and quickly breaks his neck as he collapses on the floor. Izaya and Yui both quickly rush up to him. 

"Don't worry." Laito says placing a leg on top of the other "He will be fine. Better even."

"I....I think we are done playing this game....." Yui says sadly

"Agreed. Ayato, since you turned him, you will teach him" Reiji states 

"Are you kidding? You should, you are the smart one here!" Ayato turns to Reiji annoyed

Reiji glares at Ayato and he changes his tone and turns and looks down at Shizuo, whom is starting to slowly wake up. Shizuo opens his eyes and glares, his sight is heightened, and the light is burning in his eyes. The clicking of the clock feels like it's inside of his ears. he quickly sits up covering his ears, face in pain. 

"Shizuo-chan! Are you ok??" Yui asks 

"Y...yeah, keep your voice down." Shizuo says removing his hands from his ears "God....all I smell is your guys' blood, and it's driving me insane!" Shizuo stands up stumbling a little bit

"Are you?" Ayato asks putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"N.....no! You turned me into a fucking vampire!" Shizuo grabs Ayato by his collar and was just going to push him against the wall, but instead, his speed and strength slams him against the wall instead.

Shizuo backs up "I.....i'm sorry. strength, speed." He looks down at his hands and then back at Ayato.

"It's fine, that is understandable." Ayato says walking away from the wall "I'll teach you control, but first, you need to feed." 

"Wait...." Izaya says standing up "Feed off of me....or....Yui..." 

"Yes" Reiji states

"Shizuo-chan...." Izaya looks at him as he turns around, looking angry, and hungry. "Feed off of me." 

"A....are you sure?" 

"Yes, I rather me be in pain than Yui.....she is your girlfriend."

"I don't know about that......She can't date a monster like me....." Shizuo looks at Yui with deep regret

Yui stands and walks up to Shizuo and places her hand on his face. "Yes I can....." Shizuo takes her hand, and kisses it with a smile. "I love you Shizuo, and you being a vampire won't change that...." 

"I....." Shizuo get cut off

"Oh, stop it with the fluffy stuff, feed Shizuo!" Laito interrupted

Yui steps aside, and shizuo takes a deep breath and walks up to Izaya. Izaya looking prepared, tilts his head a little bit, revealing more of his neck. 

"How the hell am I...." Shizuo feels around in his mouth and feels fangs "How did I not feel that?!" 

"What?" Yui asks 

Shizuo turns to Yui showing her his fangs. "Oh." Shizuo turns back to Izaya 

"Do....do I just bite, I...I don't know." Shizuo leans in closer to his neck.

The smell of his blood, hearing his heart pound, it's a lot for him to take in. Shizuo wraps an arm around Izaya's waist, and digs his fangs into his skin. Drinking from his neck. he pulls back and spits out blood, and gags. "God! That tastes awful!!.....But I want more...." He goes back to Izaya's neck and bites him again, drinking more, after a second or two, the taste gets better, and he doesn't want to stop. 

"Shizuo, that's enough" Ayato tries to pull Shizuo back but he pushes him away

"Shizuo you are going to suck him dry! Control!" Yui shouts

Shizuo is in another world, but soon realizes what he is doing. His eyes widen and pulls away from Izaya. "Are.....are you ok." He asks wiping his mouth

"Y...yeah...I'm fine." Izaya grabs his neck and sits down on the couch, practically collapsing.

"Sorry flea...." Shizuo looks down at him sympathetically. 

"Well, this went from fun, to just downright upsetting in a matter of minutes." Yui slouches back on the couch.

Shizuo turns to Yui "Should I finish what I was going to say before I got interrupted?"


They both look at each other in the eyes. "I love you too." 

A smile spreads across Yui's face

(I have two more chapter ideas in my head!! Be ready!!)

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