What is this?

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"Why......? Why.........? Why?"Yui thinks "Why is this book here, why does these crazy vampires have a book of pictures with me and my family in it? I got so many questions, huh..... Whats this?"

Yui stumbles upon a picture of her father at and adoption center. Then one with her father holding a baby. Unerneath it a caption read 'This is the day we adopted our baby girl, Yui komori.' Yui starts to cry and her tear drops dripped from her eyes down on to the floor.

"I'm.....Adopted! What more information is there that i don't know!?"

Yui flips through the pages and all she sees are pictures of her, her mom, and her dad. The last picture page is of her mom and dad. 'They are smiling, what is that? fangs? Are my parents..... VAMPIRES!? THERE HAS TO BE A STORY BEHIND THIS!!!' Yui exploded in her mind. The net page is a story, it reads 'Yui, if you are reading this your mom is probably out trying to watch not to get killed by vampire hunters, and i'm.....well, i might be dead by now. But it is ok, before i died i sent you to a mansion to do your school work, i know those people there. Ayato, Subaru, Shu, Reiji, Latio, and Kanato. They are all vampires which you probably know by now.' Yui puts the book down and crys for a while, then picks the book backup to read more of the truth her fmily hs hiddn from her. still crying she continues 'They are all pretty perverted. well, mostly Laito and Ayato, anyways, Lets get back on topic. The reason i sent you anywhere was because i had vampire work to do. You are probably asking yourself why i didn't tell you this earlier, well, i didn't want you to know the truth because you would be upset and me and you mom would be worried about you not loving us anymore. We weren't bad vampires, we helped people if that makes you feel a little better and stop you from crying. i know this is a lot to grab onto, but, you will be fine. We love you and miss you deeply. ~love Seiji Komori.' "THIS IS A LOT TO GRAB ONTO!!!! FIRST YOU ADOPTED ME, AND THEN YOU WROTE A STORY OF THE TRUTH INSTEAD OF TELLING ME FACE TO FACE!!!!" Yui yells in her mind. Yui closes the books and opens the door to a group of vampires seated in the living room. All staring at her

"Hey Pancake, i was just about to.... OWW!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR! Ayato says while a book collides with his face thrown by Yui.

"DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY FATHER!!!????" Yui shouts mournfully with tears in her eyes.

"Yes we do,didn't you read what was in that book? Little...." Laito started


"Sorry little bitch."

"You need to calm down Yui, now breathe, deep breaths. and stop yelling. Try to relax, i know what was in that book, i'm sorry that your father didn't tell you face to face, and that you had to find out by looking in that book." Reiji explains.

"It's fine..... I'm just confused. I'm there... well... adopted daughter, shouldn't i know everything about my family?"

"Well, yes. But they just wanted you to be safe and not hurt your feelings. Getting told that you were adopted and that your adoptive parents are vampires is a lot to take in.  hey, its better that your real parents are vampires." Shu said laying on the couch.

"Ya, i guess thats true. but, this is a big shock. also because he wrote that when i'm reading this that my father might be dead! Isn't it hard to kill a vampire!!!???"

"Yes, but a few blows to the heart,boom, your dead." Ayato says

"But, aren't vampies immortal?"

"Well pretty much yes, but when you have been a vampire for a long period of time, our immortality starts to die out. I Think how he died was that he was fighting in combat with a vampire hunter and he lost his immortality cause he was like 70 years old, and he was a vampire from birth. he was still a vampire, but now all it takes is one blow to the heart to kill him. He probably got shot with an 'Anti vampire gun' in the heart and he thought he was still alive, until he remembers how long he was a vampire before he saw a bright light and his life flash before his eyes. It takes about 70 years for a vampire's immortality to die out. i'm sorry for telling you this now." Reiji cleared up.

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