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They finished eating and Izaya cleans up and they all go to the living room.

"What time does school finish?" Shizuo asks sitting down

"12:00." Yui answers also taking a seat next to shizuo. Izaya sits across from them

"And the time is....?" Izaya says leaning with his hand pushed against his cheek

"11:00." Yui says

"Ok good i can still beat the flea's ass."

"Why do i deserve to get my ass kicked? Is it because i had a crush on you and still do."

"Exactly, and why do you have a crush on me?"


"Thats what i'm asking."

"Well, The reasons are the same reasons as Yui's. Smart, good looking, i love it when your angry."

"Hmmmmmm. great, a guy has a crush on me. out of all the guys in the world it has to be Izaya fucking Orihara."


"Stand up Flea." Shizuo says standing up


"Just stand up."

Izaya listens and stands up. Shizuo grabs Izaya's hand and swings him in the air above his head and throws him torward the dent in the wall. Izaya screams in pain after colliding with the wall. he landed in the same shape as the dent. He didn't throw to hard so it'll create a hole, but hard enough so it will hurt.


"He is fine, i think." Shizuo answers looking at the body laying on the floor helpless

Shizuo walks up to the man and kneels near him.

"You are pathetic sometimes."

"How am i *Caughs* Pathetic? What else am i supposed to do when i get throw into a wall, no, in a dent in a wall where some peices are sharp and i don't have my jacket on?" Izaya says face first into the ground

"I guess your right. Are you ok? I just got pissed that you have a crush on me when i have a crush on Yui."


Shizuo notices his back. there is blood coming from it.

"Oh my god, your back. its bleeding."

Izaya moves his arm and reaches his under his shirt on his back and feels cold liquid. He lifts his face up and looks at his hand.

"Oh ya you are right." Izaya knocks out at the sign of blood coming from him.

Shizuo reaches under Izaya and lifts him up.

"Go get a towel, i don't want blood going everywhere on this beautiful floor."

"Ok." Yui responds grabbing a towel from the bathroom and placing it on the floor next to him.

"Thank you." Shizuo thanks placing Izaya stomach first on the towel.

"I hope he is ok." Yui says worringly

"Surprisingly, I hope so too."shizuo responds looking at the bleeding man in front of him"do have bandages or..... The entrance door opens up and the brothers come back home.

"Hello lovely humans!!" Ayato announces happily, hands on the back of his head and smiling with his eyes closed. He opens his eyes to see izaya laying on the floor and shizuo near him. His arms fell from his head and he yells in shock "WHAT DID YOU DO TO IZAYA!!???"

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