Kanato steals

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"Ahhhh, wow, that was a nice night, right yui." Ayato says stretching

"Ya.... I guess so."

"welp, i'm not in the mood for blood so, See ya!" Ayato says walking out the door.

'It's only 8:00 AM, wow.' Yui thinks.


"There you are Ayato!!!! we need to talk about something, remember?"

Ayato has a flashback of last night.

"Oh ya, so whats this about?" Ayato says while sitting in his chair

"It's about Yui."


Yui hears 'It's about yui' from Reiji. She gets up to stretch and walks downstairs, still in her uniform.

"Hey, theres that little bitch." Laito says "Why don't you take a seat by me.

"No, she will be taking a seat by me because i don't trust you." Reiji says

"well, thats not nice to say."

Yui takes a seat on the couch next to Reiji.

"So, i have heard that Ayato said somehing very sweet and unbelievable toyou, is that correct." Reiji asks Yui


"What exactly did he say? Me and teddy are curious." Kanato asks

"He said that he loved me, and he would ask permission to bite me before biting me. and something that made my heart fall to the bottomless pit." Yui explains


"Chill Laito, i still don't know if saying that he loved me is true or not." Yui says

"It is true." Ayato says. i dont love you just for your blood, i love you because i like the way you are."


"Well, i'm not stopping you." Ayato says

Laito gets calmer and more relaxed on the couch.

"Kanato, may i bite you to see the difference of the blood between a human and another vampire?" Laito asks

"I guess so...." Kanato replys while tilting his neck for Laito to bite.

Laito bites down on his neck and instantly lets go. Laito spits the blood on the ground.

"Vampire's blood is disgusting, and cold!!!!! Yuck!!!! plus, vampires feel no pain, so with no pain or agony on the persons face, well. its boring." Laito explains

"Like i said, i'm not stopping you."

"You aren't well then, i guess i'll go have a taste." Kanato says

Kanato stands up and walks torwards Yui. he leans over and moves her neck so he can bite. Kanato opens his mouth ready to bite but Reiji grabs his shirt and pulls him down to the ground. Kanato looks up at Reiji with an angry face and stands up and walks back to his seat and sits down.

"That was mean of Reiji huh, teddy?"

"Not here, somewhere else." Reiji says.

"I am just going to go back to my room." Yui announces

"Ok. we will be here."

Yui walks back upstairs to her room. she walks in the room to see Kanato on the bed holding his teddy bear. 'What! he was just down there a second ago!!!! what the heck!' Yui astonishly thought. Yui walks up to him and Kanato grabs her and pulls her torwards him. There lips pressed against each other. Yui pushes off of him.

"What was tat for!!!! I only kiss Ayato!, wait..... i mean...."

"You only kiss Ayato. *laughs*. Thats funny. He said we can do what ever we want, he isn't stopping us." Kanato says While getting up leaving the bear behind and walking torwards Yui.

"I don't think that is what he meant." Yui says

Kanato pushes Yui against the door and Holds her wrists on the door.

"You smell fresh today. Your neck looks to smooth without fang marks in them. Why don't you let me drink your blood. Or do you rather it be said like this 'Watashi wa anata no chi o nomu mimashou'. that sounds sexier, don't you think?"

"ie!" (No) Yui yells.

"Oh so you can speak japanese too, oh. thats awesome, i love the japanese language. it's amazing!!!!"

Kanato gets closer to Yui's neck and bites down hard. drinking her bood like juice. Kanato lets go.

"Your blood tastes so good! I want more!" Kanato says pushing his fangs into her neck.

"Stop!!!! It hurts!!! please!!!" Yui yells.


Ayato hears her scream and comes rushing upstairs to check on her. He starts baning on the door as he hears the sound of Kanato sucking Yui's blood.

"Mmmmm, it tastes to good to let go, but i guess i have to since, your boyfriend is here to save the day." Kanato says. letting go of her arms and pulling her away from the door. Ayato Barges in and grabs Yui away from Kanato.

"Are you okay pancake? Did he hurt you?"

"Stop acting like you care about her. i know you just care about her because of her bood!"

"That is not true!!"

"Ehhhh?" Laito says behind Ayato and Yui. "You care for a human being. That is so not like you."

"If you see her the way i see you, you will understand. Lets get away from my brothers." Ayato says while running out the door pushing Laito out of the way and grabbing Yui's hand. When they got to the the gaming room, they sat on the couch. and ayato closes the door.

"They are crazy for blood aren't they, well i am too. may i please drink your blood?"

"I guess...."

"Ill bite on the wrist, ok."

Ayato walks up to Yui an grabs her hand. He bites her slow and soft like he did last night so it won't hurt, well, not as much. Ayato doesn't bite for long and lets go.

"We'll stay in this room for now, i'll go make them relax. i'll be right back."

"ok." Yui responds holding onto her bitten wrist

Ayato leaves and Yui notices something on the ground. It's a torn book. On the floor. Yui remembers knocking it down when she first got here. She walks over to the book and reads the cover. It reads, "Yui." 'Why would a boo with her name on it be in this mansion?' She questions. She opens the book to fid something that makes her heart drop.

What did she see. find out in chapter 6

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