The Date

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"Look how precious he looks sleeping." Yui whispers quietly looking over Shizuo

"Ya, But let me wake him up, i say ME, its because when someone wakes himup he punches them in the face, especially me. i don't want you to get punched in the face. ok." izaya states


"Wakey wakey shizuo-chan. Mmmmf Yep, that was my face." Izaya wakes Shizuo up and gets punched right in the face.

"Sorry Izaya, you should know better not to wake me up." Shizuo says sitting up

"Good morning!!!" Yui happily expressed

"Hey Yui. is that why he woke me up, for you?"


"ughhh, i am so tired. what time is it?" Shizuo groaned

"It's 10:00 in the morning shizuo." Reiji exclaims walking in with the other brothers from the kitchen. "I was about to wake you up."

"Thank god you didn't or you would have been knocked out."

"I am going outside to smoke a ciggarette. I'll be back. Don't follow unless you want to die. i am in a shitty mood when i wake up." Shizuo says stretching and getting up from the couch to walk outside.


"Yui, since he has been here, you have been way more happy." Ayato says

"Ya! Because when i saw him on the news, i have always been wanting to see him!!!!" Yui yells

"Ahhhh, got ya. Want breakfast?"

"Sure!" Izaya and Yui responded fast


"Ahhhh, nice morning." Shizuo lets out a sigh of happiness as he lights his ciggarette and puffs on it. "Where are my.... oh they are probably still on the floor inside. oh well, i don't need them right now." Shizuo sits down with one leg up to his chest and his arm hanging off of it, the other hand leaning on the ground. After a while of smoking, he stands up and smashes the ciggarette on the concrete and walks back inside.

"We are in here Shizuo-chan!!!" Izaya shouts from the kitchen. "Come have some breakfast!

Shizuo walks in to see a table full of food, the brothers standing near the cooking area and izaya knawing on some pancakes along with Yui sitting across from Izaya. Shizuo plops a seat next to Izaya.

"Ooooh, you sit next to me and not Yui?"

"I am not in the mood for your shit today flea! Just shut the hell up!"

"Woah language sir." Laito chuckled out

"Am i alowed to curse here, because i curse..... a lot, especially around this damn flea."

"Ya, we don't care." Reiji answered

"Ok. So Yui, what time is this date we are going to have today." Shizuo asks Yui

"Hmmmmmmm, 12:00. a lunch date. we have night school here at 8:00 at night, so not to late."

"We have to go to?" Izaya asks

"Yes, its recomended that you do." Shizuo, you will be in the same class as Yui, and Izaya, You will be with Subaru, Shu, and Kanato. is that clear." Seiji announced

"Yes." Shizuo and Izaya both answered

"Anything to not be with this dumb flea!" Shizuo happily says

Izaya glares at Shizuo and Shizuo glares back. Izaya turns his glare into a smirk and messes up Shizuo's hair with his hand.

"Don't touch me!" Shizuo yells and hits Izaya's hand off of him.

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