Chapter 3

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Penny's POV

I'm still getting use to this house. It's bigger then I thought. I search threw my room for my phone and I couldn't find it anywhere. As I looked at my door I thought wasn't my door just opened. Naw I'm paranoid. I looked under my pillow. Here it is. I grabbed it and glaced at the window. I thought I noticed someone outside. I walked over to my window and looked out. I saw two boys playing basketball. The house was my neighbors. When the boys turned around I looked at their faces. OMG is that Craig and Travice. I think it is them. I walked to the front door and walked outside. When I stepped out the door I noticed Craig had the ball and was about to shot when Travice stole the ball from him. Travice then made the shot. Hey Craig, Travice, I said. They both turned and looked at me. Hey aren't you the girl from the party, Craig said. Penny was your name right, Travice said. Yeah I'm suprised you remembered, I said. I wouldn't forget, Travice said with a smile. So you live here I said pointing to their house. Yeah, Travice answered. You must be our new neighbor, Craig said. I guess I am, I answered. Penny, I heard someone say. I turned to see Wendy. Hey girl, I said. Hey, Wendy answered. Wendy then turned to the boys. Hey aren't you the boys from the party the other day, Wendy asked? Yeah that's us, Craig answered. Wendy right, Craig asked? Yep, Wendy replied. Ayy would y'all like to come in our house and chill, Travice asked? Sure, I answered. We walked in to there house it was set up pretty well. So where are your parents, I asked? Oh they went to work,Travice answered. Oh ok, I said. Y'all want to play the connect, Craig asked? Yeah let's play, Wendy replied. We played Dance Central. Wendy won every round. You girls can dance, Craig replied. Thanks, Wendy and I said in unison. Well our parent will probably be back soon, Craig said. Y'all want to hang tomorrow, Travice asked? Yeah that be cool, I answered. Ight well see you ladies tommorow, Craig replied. Cool, Wendy said. We then walked out of their house.

I can't wait till tomorrow.

Wendy's POV

That boy Craig is just so cute. I love the way he dresses. He voice just ow. It's so deep and sexy. He's eyes are the perfect brown. The sad thing is I can never date him. Yeah being a witch I can't date a mortal. It's against the rules. I hate it though because the mortal boys be the finest. Don't get me wrong the un-mortal boys are cute to but it's something about mortal boys that just gives me a spark. I kinda like Travice to but I think Penny's into him.Anyway back to the no witches dating the mortal thing if a un-mortal being dates a mortal there's a huge consequence. I'm not sure what it is though. Usually I'm a dare devil but when it comes to magic I lean back. Magic is to powerful to play with.

Next Day

Penny's POV

Wendy and I are going to hang with the boys. They told us to come over to their house. I'm going to go over when Wendy gets here. For a witch she sure does take a long time to travel. Maybe I should just go over she'll stop by if she notices I'm not here. I walked to the door when wooosh. Wendy you almost killed me, I yelled at her. I'm sorry, Wendy laughed. Come on let's WALK over there, I said. Ok Wendy said getting off her broom. How did you get your flying license, I asked sarcastically? Girl I charmed my broom, Wendy answered. I laughed you would do something like that, I replied. Wendy laughed.I knocked on the boys door. The door emerged quickly.

Wendy's POV

OMG Craig is killing me here. He doesn't have he's shirt on and his packs are shining. Why does he try to kill me like this? I guess it's a good way to die. Death from seeing a sexy body. Imagine that on my grave stone.Killer right! Hey Craig, I smiled. Hey Wendy, y'all can come in for a sec while I get a shirt, Craig said. I was fighting with myself not to tell him to keep it off.I have to keep my un- thirsty status though so my mouth was shut. Travice came out to sit with us.

Penny's POV

I'll admit that Craig has a nice body but I like Travice. I mean I sort of like Craig too. I think Wendy likes Craig though so I'll forget about him. I really think he's cute but maybe it's just that Craig was the first cute guy that I've seen out here. Yeah,Im sure that's it. Travice was wearing a black tank top and his muscular body was showing. So I though we could go to the arcade, Travice said. That sounds cool ,I answered. Craig then walked in. So we're going to the Arcade, Craig asked? Yep, I answered. Ight let's go then, Craig said. Travice and Craig had motorcycle's so we road to the arcade. When we got there I saw a huge sign that said The Arcade had Laser Tag. I had to play that. Can we please play Laser Tag? Sure, Craig said. We got our gear on and the game began.

Wendy's POV

It was so dark I could barley see. I bumped into something and fell.Ouch I heard a voice say. I did a quick spell to make my ring glow like a flashlight. I saw who I bumped into. It was Travice. I quickly pulled out my laser gun. Travice did too. I quickly pulled the trigger. He's gear started to beep. Hahaha I got you, I yelled running. I could hear him chasing me. I kept running.

Penny's POV

I tripped over something as I was walking. I had no idea what or who it was. I pulled out my IPhone to bring a little light. I looked over to see Craig looking at me. I'm sorry I tripped you there, Craig said. It's ok, I said. He quickly got up and then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Thanks, I said with a huge smile. No problem shortie, Craig said. Craig then grabbed his laser gun and shot me. I looked at him shocked as he ran away. Craig get back here, I yelled. I then got up and chased him.

Penny's POV

Later that day

It's weird Travice circles my mind but I'm really feeling Craig. I don't know what's up with me. I love how Craig looks at me like I'm so important and I have all his attention. It makes me so glad. Then I think about how cool Travice is. He's swag just puts a spell on me. I find myself staring in his eyes. I know I said that Wendy seemed like she liked Craig but I do to. I don't wanna ruin anything for her.

Wendy's POV

Travice and Craig are so fine. At first I was all Team Craig but now I like Travice. He's so funny and cool. I'm not saying Craig not cool but its something about Travice that reals me in. I just enjoy being around him.

Next Day

Penny POV

I woke up to my window wide open and a witch laying on my feet . Wendy!!! Wendy opened her eyes and began to yawn. Morning, Wendy smiled. When did I invite you in my house , I asked? No good morning rude, Wendy said.Good morning,I said. I take back the rude thing, Wendy said. Thanks, I said. Guess what guess what, Wendy said with excitement. What , I asked? I'm making breakfast, Wendy said. You mean you made breakfast, I said. No I'm making it now, Wendy said. Do you smell burned eggs, I asked? Wendy, I said running to the kitchen. I looked in the kitchen to see burned eggs, pancakes and bacon. Wendy you can't sleep and cook, I said. Oh Im sorry didn't know, Wendy said. Now you got to clean this mess, I said. Ok smell of burn disappear, Wendy said. The room was clean and the smell of burnt food was replaced with the smell of fresh pancakes, bacon and eggs. Wendy why you got to rub your magic in my face, I said. I was just trying to help you out sorry for being nice., Wendy said. I laughed and grabbed some bacon. After we ate the food I was so full. I just sat there.

I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly got up to get it. Hey Craig, hey Travice, I said. Hey, they answered. Um can we come in, Craig asked? Oh yeah come in, I said. Wendy walked out of the kitchen. Heyyy, Wendy said. Hey Girly, Travice said. Craig said hey also. Y'all got to come with us to, Craig said. Where, I asked? The car show, he answered. Sure will go, Wendy answered. Cool let's go then,Travice said.

Author: So not a very exciting chapter. That's gonna change pretty soon. Make sure you comment and vote.

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