Chaper 15

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                                                           Penny's  POV


                I took what Craig said to heart but we still need to continue this journey. I woke Craig up and told him we need to keep going. He agreed with me and grabbed his things.                                                 

      I could since we were close to Wendy. Will call it a sister's  love. I know she needs me and I just can't give up. You know? It's hard when you just want to be there and you feel like your not. You feel like your hurting that person. It's just really hard I miss my sister.  I miss my other friends too. Especially Travis. I hope he's okay. Oh what about Jasper and Annabella?




                                                             Craig's POV 

          I hope where getting close to Wendy.  Ill be honest with you I miss her too. I miss my bro Travis. I hope everything's good with him. I just wonder what's going on now at this very moment.        .............................................                                                                 ...........................................................................................

                                                            Wendy's Pov


                                  I need him now. I need him. Yes I said it. I need Milo. I need his help. As hard as it is to even think the thought I know it's true. I need him to get me out of this. I wish be was here to make me feel better. I wish he was here to hold me. To make me forget it all , but he's not here. He left me alone to face this.


                                                            Penny's Pov

          We had been walking threw the worst forest ever. There were bugs bigger then a fist. I tried my best not to complain. This will all work out I said couching myself. Craig was some kind of ride or die wasn't he? He never complains or argues.He just keeps moving.  I took a seat on a tree stump . Craig saw me take a seat and decided to join me, but before he did he looked as far as he could. "Penny",He yelled. "No need to yell bae"."I'm right here",I said questioning he's loud tone. "It's a castle ", he continued. I jumped up. "A castle", "Where ?",I scratched. "Look straight a head",he pointed. There in front of me was "The castle ".    Master's castle


                                                                Craig's Pov                                  

       We rushed towards the castle. I grabbed Penny before she could get to the door. "You can't just walk in ", I said to Penny. "Then how do we get in?"For a clever girl I thought you had this figured out". "WILL have to sneak threw one of his Windows , I said to Penny. She nodded and looked for a window. She spotted one and asked for a boost. I put her on my shoulders. The room where the window was was vacant. She climbed into the castle window. Then she grabbed my arm and helped me up. We walked quietly threw the halls.  Bingo! There he was. He was walking toward a room door. He opened the door and took Wendy with him. She seemed like she was tired of complaining.  I could see the joy in Penny's face.              

         I whispered to her "Will follow him and get her back" She followed with a simple shake of her head. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. We slowly creepy threw the hallway following him. He walked toward a door. He grabbed Wendy's arm and pulled her threw the door.  The door was then slammed. We waited a minute and then walked threw the door. The door brought us back outside. Master had Penny on a hill that was decorated heavy.  It sort of looked like wedding decor in a dimly colored setting. "What is all this? ", Penny asked. "I'm not sure".  Master told Wendy to sit. She listened.

     "So are you ready for the surprise?", Master asked. Wendy's expression seemed very careless. "What is it?", she asked in a pale expression. 'Well let's just say it involves a white dress". There placed on Wendy was a wedding dress. "What, what is this?", she yelled.  "You will be my bride and follow every wish that I have". "No I won't!, Wendy yelled. "Oh yes my dear", Master grinned. "No one can stop me", Master yelled. "Young Pastor", he called. Milo slowly walked in with a frown on his face. "Let's get started", Master said smiling. I could see Wendy's expression changed she seemed like she was severely hurt. Milo started saying the vows as if they were killing him.

     As he was talking I noticed the body next to me was gone. Penny was running toward Master with a knife pointed at his neck. I was at Milo's neck with the sword before he could even move. Wendy seemed overjoyed,  but she couldn't move. She was stuck to the chair by magic, evil magic.  Penny noticed and chanted a spell "Loose Kay". It didn't work. "Haha, you thought a simple spell like that would work", Master laughed.  "Sillly girl"






       The next chapter will be the last.  (Sad face)  I hope you have enjoyed. I apoligize for the late updates. I just had a really bad case of author pause. I couldn't think of what to write. Also I really don't feel like a lot of you are reading so its kinda of hard to write .

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